La Gemma del Cuore per il Fortunato

Guru Rinpoche

Guru Rinpoche

Dudjom Rinpoche: La Gemma del Cuore per il Fortunato

Il Grande Maestro dell’ Oddiyana [Guru Rinpoche] ha detto:

Non tagliate alla radice dei fenomeni, tagliate alla radice della vostra mente.
Tagliate alla radice della vostra mente, quindi conoscendo questa unica cosa, liberate tutto.
Non tagliando alla radice della vostra mente, quindi conoscendo tutto, vi siete persi questa unica cosa.
Pertanto, quando ci impegniamo nella pratica effettiva della verità ultima della mente, raddrizzate il corpo, lasciate fluire il respiro naturalmente, e guardate con occhi semiaperti lo spazio davanti a voi. Continue reading »

Lama Yeshe: Check Your Understanding

Lama Yesce: Everything is constantly changing.

Lama Yesce: Everything is constantly changing.

Lama Yeshe: Check Your Understanding

If your spiritual practice and the demands of your everyday life are not in harmony, it means there’s something wrong with the way you are practicing. Your practice should satisfy your dissatisfied mind while providing solutions to the problems of everyday life. If it doesn’t, check carefully to see what you really understand about your religious practice.

Spirituality and Materialism

People often talk about spirituality and materialism, but what do these terms really mean? You’ll find that, as individuals, each of us has a different view.

Some think they’re opposites, two irreconcilable extremes. Others think you can’t lead a spiritual life while living in a materialistic society, that to do so you have to abandon all enjoyment of material things. Continue reading »