Arya Sura: On the Buddha’s Previous Lives

Verses on the Buddha’s Previous Lives by the great Indian master Arya Shura, known to Tibetans as Lobpon Pawo, author of the famous Garland of Birth Stories (Jatakamala). Namo!

You purify all the harmful destinies

Of all the beings of the three realms,

To you, the Lion of the Shakyas,

Who turns the Dharma Wheel, I offer praise!

To the heroic bodhisattvas

Who practised perfect generosity,

In the episodes of the tigress, the King of the Shibhis, the King of Kosali,

The two merchants, the rabbit,

Agastya, Maitribala who gave away his flesh,

Vishvamtara, and the sacrifice, I pay homage!

May I too accomplish the transcendent perfection

Of generosity, just like you!

To the heroic bodhisattvas

Who practised perfect ethical discipline,

In the episodes of Shakra, the brahmin,

Unmadayanti, Suparaga,

The fish, the baby quail, the jar full of alcohol,

The rich man’s son, the ascetic and the treasurer, I pay homage!

May I too accomplish the transcendent perfection

Of ethical discipline, just like you!

To the heroic bodhisattvas

Who practised perfect patience,

In the ten episodes of Kuddhabodhi, the geese, Mahabodhi,

The monkey, Sharabha deer, Ruru deer, Monkey king,

Kshantivadin, Brahma, and the elephant, I pay homage!

May I too accomplish the transcendent perfection

Of patience, just like you!

By Arya Shura. Translated by Adam Pearcey, 2008.