Marzo 23rd, 2009 by admin

dalai-lamaAlla data del 22.3.2009 si sono registrate proteste e manifestazioni in 102 centri del Tibet. – … Arresti effettuati nel periodo 9.3.2008 – 22.3.2009:– 5790 religiosi, – 3130 laici. Totale al 22.3 : 8920. NB. nella sola giornata del 21 Marzo sono state arrestate oltre 100 persone, di cui 86 religiosi. Primo, parziale, elenco nominativo degli arrestati: Prime fotografie degli arrestati:

Condanne, da scontare nelle carceri  o nei Laogai: 302 condanne, di cui 10 ergastoli.

Sentenze recenti  :

Kardze  ( primi di Marzo )

Religiose del monastero di Puru-na

– Tashi Lhamo,condannata a due anni di carcere

– Serka , condannata a due anni di carcere

– Rinzin Choetso condannata a tre anni di carcere

– Youghal Khando condannata a due anni di carcere

Vittime della polizia comunista cinese (stima aggiornata per il periodo 10/3/2008-22/3/2009)

–    296 morti ,di cui :

– Lhasa (Marzo 2008 ) 160 vittime ,di cui soltanto 40 identificate (vedi elenco nominativo allegato)

– Il 15 Marzo testimoni oculari riferivano di aver visto 80 corpi nei pressi del Lhasa Public Security Bureau Office

– Ngaba ( Marzo 2008 ) 23 vittime ,di cui 10 identificate (vedi elenco nominativo allegato)

– Karze ( 11 Marzo 2008 ) 3 vittime non ancora identificate

–  2089 feriti, di cui 693 hanno subito gravi lesioni durante gli interrogatori.

Fotografie di alcune delle vittime ( Attenzione ! immagini molto crude ) :

Dispersi: 730 religiosi (di cui:3 del monastero di Labrang, 18 del monastero di Drepung, 190 del monastero di Ganden, 30 del monastero di Gyalshoe Bhenkar) e 280 laici.

Alla data del 22 Marzo si sono registrate proteste e manifestazioni in 12 centri del TURKESTAN ORIENTALE.

Arresti effettuati nel periodo 1/3/2008-22/3/2009: 11159 (di cui 160 bambini in età compresa tra gli 8 ed i 14 anni).

Condanne: 270, di cui 5 alla pena capitale.

Vittime della polizia comunista cinese (stima aggiornata per il periodo 1/1/2008-22/3/2009) 41.

Sentenze recenti: Abdukadir Mahsum condannato a 15 anni di prigione il 26.02.09 e Mamatali Ahat condannato dalla Hotan Municipal Court a 8 anni di prigione il 6.03.09

Alla data del 22 Marzo si sono registrate proteste e manifestazioni in 4 centri della MONGOLIA DEL SUD.

Arresti effettuati nel periodo 1/1/2008-22/3/2009: 118

Vittime della polizia comunista cinese (stima aggiornata per il periodo 1/1/2008-22/3/2009): 3.

1.As of 20 March 2009, a total of 220 Tibetans have died under China’s brutal crackdown since 10 March 2008.
2.Four categories of death under China’s crackdown – Indiscriminate firing, Torture, Suicide and Starvation.
3.Indiscriminate firing into the protesting crowd resulting in Tibetan deaths have been confirmed in Lhasa, Ngaba, and Karze (Tongkhor Monastery, Chokri Monastery and Dabpa County).
4.Information available on 107 Tibetans with 113 yet to be identified.
5.Following events and information adds up to more than 113 unidentified dead Tibetans:
Largest number of Tibetan casualties reported between the period of 14-17 March 2008. At least 80 people were killed on 14 March 2008. In further confirmation of such killings, an estimated 80 bodies were seen piled near Lhasa Public Security Bureau Office on 15 March 2008.
On 28 March 2008, an estimated 83 bodies were cremated in a crematorium behind Yabda Township, Toelung Dechen County, Lhasa Municipality. [Out of over 160 aforementioned Tibetan deaths in March 2008 in Lhasa
alone, information available on over 40 Tibetans in the list].
Of the 23 Tibetan deaths in Ngaba protest of 16 March 2008, only 10 could be identified.
Pema Thinlay, Vice-Chairman of the “TAR”, had acknowledged the death of three protestors (unidentified) in a press conference in Lhasa on 27 March 2008.
Deaths of three Tibetans (an elderly person, one male and one female youth) from Dabpa County, Karze “TAP”, Sichuan Province. Initial protest occurred on 7 March 2008 resulting in shooting dead of the three unidentified Tibetans four days later on 11 March 2008.
Reasons for unconfirmed identities of 113 dead Tibetans:
Of those killed in Lhasa, many did not possess residence permit. These Tibetans were originally from far-flung areas within the “TAR” such as Kongpo, Chamdo etc. and also from the regions of Kham and Amdo, who had
come to Lhasa for purposes of pilgrimage, business or temporary stay.Chinese security forces had cremated many bodies without informing the family members. As disappearance cases of Tibetans in the aftermath of 2008 protest totals over a thousand, it is likely that many of the deaths went uninformed to and unreported by the family members on the assumption that their kin could have been disappeared or detained.Information clampdown and blackout.
FIGURES of Tibetans Arrested, Sentenced, Dead and Missing
It is virtually impossible to determine the exact number of Tibetans arrested, dead, sentenced, or missing in Tibet considering the tremendous lack of transparency and severe restrictions on information flow in Tibet. It is, however, believed that the actual figure of Tibetans facing prison sentence, detention, disappearance etc is likely to be much higher than what is reported here.
From 10 March 2008 – 31 January 2009
1.    Arrest/Detention:
Central Tibetan Administration –     Over 5,600
CHINA – 1,317 [Xinhua news report, 5 Nov. 2008, and The Australian report, 10 Nov 2008]
2.    Sentenced:
Central Tibetan Administration – 290
China – 76 [Nyima Tsering,  Vice-Chairman of the Standing Committee of the Tibet Regional People’s Congress said at a press conference held on 10 Feb 2009]
3.    Dead
Central Tibetan Administration – 220
China –     19 [Xinhua news report, 5 Nov. 2008]
4.    Injured
Central Tibetan Administration – Over 1,294
China – 623 including 241 policemen [Xinhua news report, 5 Nov 2008]
5.    Disappeared:
Central Tibetan Administration – Over 1,000
Identified List of Tibetans Killed Under China’s Crackdown Since 10
March 2008 (Click here

Ora vi consigliamo di soffermarvi su queste righe:

Our fight against the Dalai clique and those western hostile forces that support him is not a question of ethnic nationality, religion or so-called human rights.It is a life or death class struggle and a political battle between separatists and anti separatists that is linked to the political foundation of the Communist Party, the unity of the motherland (and) the maintenance of social stability.

Communist Party’s news Web site

Millions of Tibetans have witnessed unprecedented changes in the past fifty years, the brilliant achievement of democratic reform that has deeply transformed Tibetan society. It was the dividing line between savagery and civilization, backwardness and progress.

By People’s Daily Online

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