Lama Yeshe: The Three Principal Aspects of the Path

Lama Yeshe: True Dharma Practitioners Welcome Trouble
Lama Yeshe: True Dharma Practitioners Welcome Trouble

Lama Yeshe: The Three Principal Aspects of the Path

At Institut Vajra Yogini, during an FPMT sponsored teaching tour of Europe in 1982, His Holiness the Dalai Lama manifested ill health and asked Lama Yeshe to fill in for him for the first day’s teachings. The following teachings ensued…

Lama Yeshe

Today, I’m unfortunate. And today, you’re unfortunate as well, because you have to put up with me, the garbage man. You have to put up with my garbage; I’m the garbage man. Due to circumstance, His Holiness is experiencing some discomfort with his health, so we should all pray for his good health . . . and so that it won’t be necessary to be in this situation, where you have to put up with my garbage. Continue reading »