Jado Rinpoche: il Kalachakra

Il Ven Jado Rinpoche, abate emerito del Namgyal Monastery a Dharamsala, India.

Il Ven Lama Jado Rinpoche, abate emerito del Namgyal Monastery a Dharamsala, India, uno dei maggiori esperti e praticanti del Kalachakra.

Il Ven Lama Jado Rinpoche ha dato questo breve ma significativo insegnamento in occasione della Iniziazione al Kalachakra conferita a Washington DC da Sua Santità il Dalai Lama.

Appunti a cura di Antonio Busi, che ringraziamo di cuore, revisione ed editing del Dott. Luciano Villa, Graziella Romania e dell’Ing. Alessandro Tenzin Villa nell’ambito del progetto Free Darma’s Teachings per il beneficio di tutti gli esseri senzienti.

Ven Lama Jado Rinpoche

Abbiamo preso il voto di praticare per sei volte al giorno il Rifugio, di incorporare i diversi veicoli e di mantenere i voti, e pratichiamo in modo da rinfrescare la nostra memoria sui voti presi. Continue reading »

Approfondimenti sul Kalachakra

Il simbolo del Kalachakra

Il simbolo del Kalachakra

Links, filmati ed approfondimenti sul Kalachakra

Consigliamo vivamente, per una preparazione adeguata e più approfondita, di leggere anzi di consultare adeguatamente i libri, i siti e visionare i filmati indicati.


· L’Iniziazione di Kalacakra, Alexander Berzin; Ubaldini Editori. Molto consigliato.

· Kalachakra, Iniziazione Tantrica del Dalai Lama, J.M. Rivière; Edizioni Mediterranee, disponibile sul web.

· Mandala, Il cerchio Sacro del Buddhismo Tibetano, Martin Brauen; Sovera Edizioni.

· Kalachakra, Namgyal Monastery, E. Del Vico; Editalia (1996) testi a cura della sezione editoriale per il Kalachakra del Monastero di Namgyal con la supervisione di S.S. il XIV Dalai Lama.


International Kalachakra Network www.kalachakranet.org

Berzin Archives Continue reading »

Jadho Rinpoche: Commentario al Guru Yoga di Kalachakra – 1

Kalachakra con la consorte Vishamata

Kalachakra con la consorte Vishamata

Jadho Rinpoche – Commentario al Guru Yoga in Sei Sessioni di Kalachakra (prima parte)

Vorrei quindi innanzitutto salutare tutti voi che siete qui presenti per questo insegnamento. Come sapete, l’argomento dell’insegnamento di questo incontro è il Guru Yoga della divinità Kalachakra, il Guru Yoga in Sei Sessioni di Kalachakra. Il commentario su questo testo richiede in generale delle condizioni, la prima condizione è che tutti gli ascoltatori dovrebbero avere ricevuto l’iniziazione e che siano intenzionati a praticare il Guru Yoga, queste sono le condizioni necessarie per potere partecipare al commentario. Penso che molti di voi abbiano già ricevuto l’iniziazione, però non penso che tutti l’abbiano ricevuta, coloro che non hanno ancora ricevuto l’iniziazione di Kalachakra, credo che siano intenzionati a riceverla in futuro. Continue reading »

Jadho Rinpoche: Commentario al Guru Yoga di Kalachakra – 2

Particolare del cuore del mandala di Kalachakra

Particolare del cuore del mandala di Kalachakra

Jadho Rinpoche – Commentario al Guru Yoga in Sei Sessioni di Kalachakra (Seconda parte)

Ora ripassiamo velocemente gli argomenti di cui abbiamo parlato ieri. Potete quindi prendere il testo. La prima cosa importante è correggere la propria motivazione, successivamente prendere Rifugio tre volte e poi meditare sulla generazione della motivazione di Bodhicitta. Si effettua quindi la meditazione sui Quattro Pensieri Incommensurabili. Prima di proseguire con il verso relativo alla meditazione sulla generazione della Bodhicitta dell’aspirazione e successivamente Bodhicitta dell’impegno, prima ancora di meditare sul verso, farebbe bene riflettere per qualche istante sull’importanza di coltivare la motivazione di Bodhicitta Continue reading »

Jhado Rinpoche: Introduction to Kalachakra 1

Ven. Jadho Rinpoche

Ven. Jadho Rinpoche

1 – Introduction to Kalachakra by Ven. Jhado Rinpoche

Bodhgaya, January 2002

Today Rinpoche is beginning with the introduction, because many of you have come to Bodhgaya to receive the Kalachakra empowerment from His Holiness the Dalai Lama, so for this Jhado Rinpoche is extremely thankful for your presence. Rinpoche personally is also here to receive the Kalachakra empowerment from His Holiness and hence from this point of view we are all the same in the sense that we are all here to receive this empowerment. Rinpoche is here in order that we do not waste this precious opportunity, he says that we are all here to help each other and he hopes that through tonight’s talk he will be able to be of some benefit or help or service to everybody in providing and sharing with all of us as much knowledge as he has of Kalachakra. Continue reading »

Jhado Rinpoche: Introduction to Kalachakra 2

Jhado Rinpoche: Generally all the Buddha´s teachings are related to world peace.

2 – Introduction to Kalachakra by Jhado Rinpoche

Bodhgaya, January 2002

The speciality of Kalachakra tantra

The third outline was showing how the Vajrayana path is more supreme and superior to the Sutrayana path and the fourth outline was showing how the highest yoga tantra is more supreme than the three lower tantras. And here we come to the fifth outline, which is explaining about the speciality of the Kalachakra tantra.

In the path of secret mantra there’s this practice of Kalachakra, which is extremely profound, extremely well known through all the world. When we try to achieve enlightenment, we try to cultivate the path to buddhahood. Continue reading »

Jadho Rinpoche: Practice of Six Sessions Guru Yoga of Kalachakra

Kalachakra Mandala

Question and Answer Session by Jhado Rinpoche

Bodhgaya, January 2002

Q: What are the most important points to focus on in one’s practice after having received the Kalachakra initiation?

A: In general there are many things to practice after having received the Kalachakra empowerments, however the main thing is to train one’s mind in the common path, so Rinpoche quotes a verse from the “Foundation of All Good Qualities”, that was composed by Lama Tsong Khapa which says:

Having trained well my mind in the common pathways,

please bless me to enter the Vajaryana,

the gateway of the fortunate ones.

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Jhado Rinpoche: Question and Answer Session on Kalachakra

Jhado Rinpoche: If you are able to recall the form and nature of the deity, the virtue accumulated with these actions becomes more powerful, so it’s very beneficial.

Question and Answer Session on Kalachakra by Jhado Rinpoche, Bodhgaya, January 2002

Q: What are the most important points to focus on in one’s practice after having received the Kalachakra initiation?

A: In general there are many things to practice after having received the Kalachakra empowerments, however the main thing is to train one’s mind in the common path, so Rinpoche quotes a verse from the “Foundation of All Good Qualities”, that was composed by Lama Tsong Khapa which says:

Having trained well my mind in the common pathways,

please bless me to enter the Vajaryana,

the gateway of the fortunate ones.

So in this particular verse it shows that one must have trained well one’s mental continuum in the common pathways, the pathways that are common to the sutra path such as renunciation, bodhicitta and emptiness. Having placed such imprints on one’s mind stream, if then one trains in the generation and completion stages, one will have great success. And also if one has already established firmly these three principles of the path or the common pathways in one’s mind stream, then when one receives the Kalachakra empowerments, one receives greater blessings. The difference between having had the training of the common pathways in one’s mind stream before the Kalachakra empowerments and not having that, is like travelling to a destination in a plane or going there by bicycle – in terms of the speed there’s a huge difference. Continue reading »