His Holiness Sakya Trizin: With the two together, method and wisdom, one can realize the true nature.
Nature of The Mind by His Holiness Sakya Trizin
One of the main teachings of the Buddha is the law of karma, the teaching that all the lives we have are not without cause, are not created by other beings, and are not by coincidence, but are all created by our own actions. All the positive things such as love, long life, good health, prosperity and so forth are also not given by anybody else. It is through our own positive actions in the past that today we enjoy all the good things. Similarly all the negative aspects, like short life, sickness, poverty, etc. and all the undesirable things are also not created by any outsider but by our own actions, the negative deeds we committed in the past.
If one really wishes to be free from suffering and to experience happiness, it is very important to work on the causes. Continue reading