Longchenpa says
The Omniscient Longchenpa, King of Dharma, says
Assailed by afflictions, we discover Dharma
And find the way to liberation. Thank you, evil forces !
When sorrow invades the mind, we discover Dharma
And find lasting happiness. Thank you, sorrows !
Through harm caused by spirits we discover Dharma
And find fearlessness. Thank you, ghosts and demons !
Through people’s hate we discover Dharma
And find benefits and happiness. Thank you, those who hate us !
Through cruel adversity, we discover Dharma
And find the unchanging way. Thank you, adversity !
Through being impelled to by others, we discover Dharma
And find the essential meaning. Thank you all who drive us on !
We dedicate our merit to you all, to repay your kindness.