2 – H.H. The Drikung Kyabgön, Chetsang Rinpoche on Mahamudra

His Holiness The Drikung Kyabgön, Chetsang Rinpoche: cultivate mental quiescence by focusing on breathing.

His Holiness The Drikung Kyabgön, Chetsang Rinpoche: cultivate mental quiescence by focusing on breathing.

His Holiness The Drikung Kyabgön, Chetsang Rinpoche: Channeling the breath and body posture.

Notes and questions by Dr. Luciano Villa and Eng. Alessandro Tenzin Villa within the project “Free Dharma Teachings” for the benefit of all sentient beings.

Question: What is the practice of channelling the breath?

His Holiness The Drikung Kyabgön, Chetsang Rinpoche.

The special practice of channelling the breath involves a meditation with three sets of three inhalations and exhalations from each nostril; that is, from each nostril separately and then with both nostrils together. Each of the three sets is the same except that its source is different. The first set is three inhalations through one nostril and three exhalations through the other; the second set is three inhalations through the second nostril and three exhalations through the first nostril; and the third set is three inhalations and exhalations using both nostrils together.

The first exhalation of each set is forceful and also very long and drawn out. The second is also forceful but it is short. Continue reading »

3 – H.H. The Drikung Kyabgön, Chetsang Rinpoche on Mahamudra

His Holiness The Drikung Kyabgön, Chetsang Rinpoche: Is this appearance of difference a true one or is it not?

His Holiness The Drikung Kyabgön, Chetsang Rinpoche: Is this appearance of difference a true one or is it not?

His Holiness The Drikung Kyabgön, Chetsang Rinpoche: Vipashyana, analyzing the nature of mind.

Notes and questions by Dr. Luciano Villa and Eng. Alessandro Tenzin Villa within the project “Free Dharma Teachings” for the benefit of all sentient beings.

Question: What is the process of cultivating vipashyana, or the perfect insight?

His Holiness The Drikung Kyabgön, Chetsang Rinpoche. Next is the process of cultivating vipashyana, or the perfect insight that leads us to a knowledge of ultimate reality by focusing on and analysing mind itself. Continue reading »

Lama Zopa Rinpoce: Ricordare la morte

Lama Zopa Rinpoce: La riflessione su morte e impermanenza rende la vita altamente significativa.

Lama Zopa Rinpoce: La riflessione su morte e impermanenza rende la vita altamente significativa.


Non è gran cosa riflettere solamente su morte e impermanenza, ma riveste un’importanza vitale pensare a ciò che avviene dopo la morte. Se il karma è negativo, allora ci sono i reami inferiori con sofferenze inimmaginabili: tutto questo può essere impedito immediatamente.

Non possiamo liberarci del samsara entro un’ora, oggi, questa settimana o quest’anno, ma possiamo purificare il karma negativo adesso, oggi stesso e, fermare, quindi, le rinascite nei reami inferiori se la morte sopraggiungesse adesso, tra un’ora, oggi stesso. Questo è possibile.

Ricordando morte, impermanenza, karma e reami inferiori di sofferenza, la mente è indotta ad adottare la soluzione della pratica del Dharma. Continue reading »

4 – H.H. The Drikung Kyabgön, Chetsang Rinpoche on Mahamudra

His Holiness The Drikung Kyabgön, Chetsang Rinpoche:The syllable HUNG is rich with symbolism.

His Holiness The Drikung Kyabgön, Chetsang Rinpoche:The syllable HUNG is rich with symbolism.

His Holiness The Drikung Kyabgön, Chetsang Rinpoche on mind nature.

Notes and questions by Dr. Luciano Villa and Eng. Alessandro Tenzin Villa within the project “Free Dharma Teachings” for the benefit of all sentient beings.

Question: Which are the movement of the mind?

His Holiness Drikung Kyabgon Chetsang Rinpoche: Third, we investigate whether mind is something which abides and exists in one spot, or whether it is something that goes out and moves around from one thing to another. Now, we can see that when we cultivate mental quiescence, mind becomes focused one-pointedly on its object. It does not waver from that object and abides stably over a period of time on that object. So at that time, it would appear that mind is unmoving and stable.

However, when we practice vipashyana, in which we cultivate perfect insight, mind is going from one object to another, it’s moving around to objects nearby and far away. So here it seems most clear that mind is moving a great deal.

What we have to determine at this point is how mind can do both. What is the nature of mind such that it seems to move around but is sometimes stable? Continue reading »

Lama Denys Rinpoce: L’etica

Lama Denys Rinpoce. La regola d'oro: Rispetta l'altro come te stesso.

Lama Denys Rinpoce. La regola d'oro: Rispetta l'altro come te stesso.

Lama Denys Rinpoce: L’etica

1. Introduzione: tre apprendimenti, una motivazione

Śīla, samādhi e prajñā

La via, che è la transizione dall’esperienza condizionata all’esperienza risvegliata, può essere presentata in un modo tradizionale secondo tre principi: śīla, samādhi e prajñā, in altre parole: l’etica, la meditazione e la comprensione.

La disciplina come apprendimento

L’etica è una disciplina di vita. Continue reading »

1 Denys Rinpoche: Le 37 Pratiche del Bodhisattva

Lama Denys Rinpoche: Liberiamoci dalle situazioni dove siamo intrappolati, cerchiamo un ambiente più solitario, tranquillo, libero da queste passioni.
Lama Denys Rinpoche: Liberiamoci dalle situazioni dove siamo intrappolati, cerchiamo un ambiente più solitario, tranquillo, libero da queste passioni.

1 – Lama Denys Rinpoche: Le 37 Pratiche del Bodhisattva, sintesi del cuore della via del Bodhisattva, Composto dal Venerabile Tongmè Zangpo. Seminario di 3-5 dicembre 2010 presso l’Oasi di San Nicola, Pesaro. Appunti di Nicoletta Nardinocchi, editing del Dr. Luciano Villa, pubblicato nell’ambito del Progetto “Free Dharma Teachings” approvato da Sua Santità il Dalai Lama per il beneficio di tutti gli esseri senzienti.

Omaggio A Cenresi

Voi che vedete tutti i fenomeni liberi dall’andare e venire

Pertanto agite solo diligentemente per il bene dei viventi, a voi che siete il sublime La e il protettore Cenresi,

perpetuamente e rispettosamente rendo omaggio con le mie tre porte! Continue reading »

5 – H.H. The Drikung Kyabgön, Chetsang Rinpoche on Mahamudra

His Holiness The Drikung Kyabgön, Chetsang Rinpoche:The highest result, which is the attainment of Mahamudra, arises only when one transcends all hopes and fears. 

His Holiness The Drikung Kyabgön, Chetsang Rinpoche:The highest result, which is the attainment of Mahamudra, arises only when one transcends all hopes and fears.

His Holiness The Drikung Kyabgön, Chetsang Rinpoche: The attainment of non attainment and Tilopa’s pith instructions.

Notes and questions by Dr. Luciano Villa and Eng. Alessandro Tenzin Villa within the project “Free Dharma Teachings” for the benefit of all sentient beings.

Question. Which is the Ultimately Mahamudra practice?

His Holiness The Drikung Kyabgön, Chetsang Rinpoche. Once, Tilopa advised his disciple to go off to an isolated retreat Continue reading »

2 Denys Rinpoche: Le 37 Pratiche del Bodhisattva

Lama Denys Rinpoche: Osserviamo la nostra mente per modificare i nostri comportamenti se sono egoistici.
Lama Denys Rinpoche: Osserviamo la nostra mente per modificare i nostri comportamenti se sono egoistici.

2Lama Denys Rinpoche: Le 37 Pratiche del Bodhisattva, sintesi del cuore della via del Bodhisattva, Composto dal Venerabile Tongmè Zangpo. Seminario di 3-5 dicembre 2010 pressol’Oasi di San Nicola, Pesaro. Appunti di Nicoletta Nardinocchi, editing del Dr. Luciano Villa, pubblicato nell’ambito del Progetto “Free Dharma Teachings” approvato da Sua Santità il Dalai Lama per il beneficio di tutti gli esseri senzienti.


Abbandonare gli attaccamenti

Gli oggetti accattivanti che seducono al loro incontro Continue reading »

6 – H.H. The Drikung Kyabgön, Chetsang Rinpoche on Mahamudra

His Holiness The Drikung Kyabgön, Chetsang Rinpoche: All phenomena of samsara and nirvana have one taste, one reality.

His Holiness The Drikung Kyabgön, Chetsang Rinpoche: All phenomena of samsara and nirvana have one taste, one reality.

His Holiness The Drikung Kyabgön, Chetsang Rinpoche: Dharma Lord Gampopa’s advice.

Notes and questions by Dr. Luciano Villa and Eng. Alessandro Tenzin Villa within the project “Free Dharma Teachings” for the benefit of all sentient beings.

Question: How to deal with the various problems that arise in the practice of Mahamudra meditation?

His Holiness The Drikung Kyabgön, Chetsang Rinpoche

We will now look at Lord Gampopa’s advice on how to deal with the various problems that arise in the practice of Mahamudra meditation. First, in order to avoid errors, one must have a fully qualified lama—that is, a teacher who has actually experienced the realization of Mahamudra. The teacher should not be one in name only but should be someone who has accomplished this path, has knowledge and experience, and who is thereby able to lead others. The student should be one who maintains awareness of the truth of impermanence and death and, motivated by that, exerts him or herself in this practice. Continue reading »

Jado Rinpoche: il Kalachakra

Il Ven Jado Rinpoche, abate emerito del Namgyal Monastery a Dharamsala, India.

Il Ven Lama Jado Rinpoche, abate emerito del Namgyal Monastery a Dharamsala, India, uno dei maggiori esperti e praticanti del Kalachakra.

Il Ven Lama Jado Rinpoche ha dato questo breve ma significativo insegnamento in occasione della Iniziazione al Kalachakra conferita a Washington DC da Sua Santità il Dalai Lama.

Appunti a cura di Antonio Busi, che ringraziamo di cuore, revisione ed editing del Dott. Luciano Villa, Graziella Romania e dell’Ing. Alessandro Tenzin Villa nell’ambito del progetto Free Darma’s Teachings per il beneficio di tutti gli esseri senzienti.

Ven Lama Jado Rinpoche

Abbiamo preso il voto di praticare per sei volte al giorno il Rifugio, di incorporare i diversi veicoli e di mantenere i voti, e pratichiamo in modo da rinfrescare la nostra memoria sui voti presi. Continue reading »

7 – H.H. The Drikung Kyabgön, Chetsang Rinpoche on Mahamudra

His Holiness The Drikung Kyabgön, Chetsang Rinpoche: Understand that this is a graduated path.

His Holiness The Drikung Kyabgön, Chetsang Rinpoche: Understand that this is a graduated path.

His Holiness The Drikung Kyabgön, Chetsang Rinpoche: Vajrasattva purification meditation.

Notes and questions by Dr. Luciano Villa and Eng. Alessandro Tenzin Villa within the project “Free Dharma Teachings” for the benefit of all sentient beings.

Question: It sounds like this is all very high up there, very far away. Can l, personally, actually do this?

His Holiness Drikung Kyabgon Chetsang Rinpoche. We all possess the innate nature of enlightenment, and therefore the attainment of the highest goal is not impossible for us. It is not even far away from us. However, it is necessary to engage in practice and exert effort. We can see this even in the world, for instance, for those who engage in sports, to become the very best in a sport requires a lot of effort, a lot of practice, a lot of exertion. And that’s just to be good at playing some sort of ball game! Continue reading »