Meetings with Vietnamese Buddhists and Students
His Holiness the Dalai Lama speaking to a group of middle and high school students at the Kentucky Center for Arts in Louisville, Kentucky on May 21, 2013. Photo/Jeremy Russell/OHHDL
Louisville, KY, USA, Meetings with Vietnamese Buddhists, Middle and High School Students and the Mayor Wrap Up Visit to Louisville
His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s first meeting on his last day in Louisville was with a group of gentle Vietnamese Buddhists. “ Let’s begin with your reciting the Heart Sutra in Vietnamese,” he said. “While you do that visualize the Buddha in the space in front of you surrounded by Indian teachers like Nagarjuna and Asanga, and those who brought Buddhism to Vietnam. And remember how the Buddha practised for aeons to show us that through a combination of the awakening mind of bodhichitta and the wisdom understanding emptiness, we too can attain enlightenment. “ First of all, as I mentioned yesterday we Tibetans are historically junior to you as students of Buddha Shakyamuni. In today’s world, material development is much advanced. It’s useful, no doubt, but at the same time doesn’t necessarily bring inner peace; it tends instead to bring greed and competitiveness.
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Sette Giorni In Tibet”, un Video Report da Lhasa
Sette Giorni In Tibet”, un Video Report da Lhasa
Entrato in Tibet con un visto di sette giorni, Cyril Payen, corrispondente dell’emittente francese France 24, è recentemente riuscito ad arrivare a Lhasa e a documentare in un breve filmato alcuni momenti della vita di tutti i giorni nella capitale tibetana e a scambiare alcune battute con due tibetani. Alcune immagini mostrano l’area attorno al Barkhor e i lavori in corso per la realizzazione del centro commerciale. Proponiamo ai lettori, assieme al video, la traduzione dell’audio del filmato. Il filmato, della durata di circa quattro minuti, al sito: Read the rest of this entry »
Explaining Atisha’s Lamp for the Path to Enlightenment
“It can be more useful to choose the breath as an object of concentration,” His Holiness the Dalai Lama
Explaining Atisha’s ‘Lamp for the Path to Enlightenment’ in Louisville, KY
Louisville, Kentucky, USA, 20 May 2013 – Returning to the Yum Center for a second day, before beginning his morning teaching session, His Holiness the Dalai Lama met with representatives of the Dalai Lama Fellows, young people working in different parts of the world in peace, justice and ecology. Their declared aim is ‘to build a world that works for every one of us because it’s increasingly clear that, otherwise, it won’t work for any of us.’ His Holiness was impressed by their reports and supportive of their various activities. He also so had a warm conversation with Archbishop Joseph Kurtz before meeting with a group of Tibetans resident in the vicinity of Louisville. He told them: “We’ve been in exile now for 54 years, but there’s only a few of us compared to the 6 million Tibetans in Tibet. What we are free to do however, is to keep our language and culture alive. In the 7th century, Read the rest of this entry »
Consecration of Drepung Gomang Institute and Engaging Compassion in Louisville
His Holiness the Dalai Lama is offered a traditional Tibetan welcome on his arrival at the Drepung Gomang Institute in Louisville, Kentucky, on May 19 2013. Photo/Jeremy Russell/OHHDL
Consecration of Drepung Gomang Institute and Engaging Compassion in Louisville
Louisville, Kentucky, USA, 19 May 2013 – In the quiet low light of early morning, His Holiness the Dalai Lama left New Orleans and flew to Louisville, Kentucky today. He was received at the airport by Mayor Greg Fischer and his wife and the Drepung Throne Holder, Khensur Lobsang Tenpa. He drove directly to the Drepung Gomang Institute, where children offered him a traditional Tibetan welcome. Responding to requests, he proceeded to perform consecration prayers in the temple and then turned to address the assembled people.
“It’s wonderful that you have been able to establish a Drepung Gomang Institute here. I was invited to visit last year, and now I’ve been able to fulfil the request. It’s also very good that the Drepung Throne Holder, a former Abbot of Gomang, has travelled to be here too. Read the rest of this entry »
The Tulane Ceremony and a Public Talk at the Lakefront Arena
His Holiness the Dalai Lama speaking at the University of New Orleans Lakefront Arena in New Orleans, Louisiana on May 18, 2013. Photo/David G. Speilman
The Tulane Unified Commencement Ceremony and a Public Talk at the Lakefront Arena
New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, 18 May 2013 – Relationships formed between staff and students of the Tulane University School of Social Work over more than twelve years culminated today in His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s presence at the 179th Tulane Unified Commencement Ceremony. This grand celebration for 2800 graduates, who came from all 50 states and 63 countries, the youngest among them being only 19 and the oldest 96, took place before an audience of more than 30,000 in the New Orleans Superdome. Read the rest of this entry »
Conference on ‘Resilience: Strength through Compassion and Connection’ in New Orleans
His Holiness the Dalai Lama speaking to members of the press in New Orleans, Louisiana on May 17, 2013. Photo/David G. Speilman
Conference on ‘Resilience: Strength through Compassion and Connection’ in New Orleans
New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, 17 May 2013 – His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s first engagement on his first visit to New Orleans this morning was a meeting with the Press. In his opening remarks he said:
“I’m very happy to be here. I was very sad when you were struck by Hurricane Katrina and again after the shocking event last weekend. I would like to express my sympathy for all the victims and their families.
“Whenever I meet the media there are several points I like to share. The first is my commitment to promoting awareness that our ultimate source of happiness depends on our inner values, our sense of concern for others. The second is that as a Buddhist monk, I am committed to working to foster inter-religious harmony.” Read the rest of this entry »
Meetings with Chinese and Tibetan Students
His Holiness the Dalai Lama speaking to Tibetan students during their meeting in Madison, Wisconsin on May 16, 2013. Photo/Jeremy Russell/OHHDL
Meetings with Chinese and Tibetan Students before Leaving Madison for New Orleans
Madison, Wisconsin and New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, 16 May 2013 – On his last morning at Deer Park, Madison, as the early sun caught the new leaves on the trees and peacock calls rang through the woods behind the temple and Kalachakra Pavilion, His Holiness met privately with a group of Chinese and afterwards with a group of Tibetan students studying in the USA.
The Chinese group consisted of 51 students from Madison and Chicago, among them 10 from Tibet; 13 professors teaching in Madison and Chicago; 15 Chinese scholars and 13 Taiwanese. His Holiness held a warm and friendly conversation with them, mostly in English. He acknowledged the potential benefits to Tibetans of being part of the PRC, but also asserted Tibetans’ determination to preserve their language, religion and culture. Read the rest of this entry »
Tibet: picchiato a morte perché trovato in possesso di audiocassette con discorsi del Dalai Lama
Tibet: picchiato a morte perché trovato in possesso di audiocassette con discorsi del Dalai Lama
Kaldo , un ex monaco del monastero di Chamdo Ling, situato nell’omonima prefettura, nella Regione Autonoma Tibetana, è stato picchiato a morte dalla polizia cinese perché trovato in possesso di due audiocassette sulle quali erano registrati alcuni discorsi del Dalai Lama. Ne ha dato notizia a Radio Free Asia il 15 maggio un tibetano residente in India con contatti all’interno del Tibet. Kaldo era stato arrestato nella sua casa, a Dzogang, il 21 aprile 2013. Nella sua stanza la polizia aveva trovato due audiocassette nelle quali, secondo quanto riferito dalle fonti tibetane, erano stati registrati alcuni discorsi del Dalai Lama sulla divinità Shugden, il cui culto è scoraggiato dal leader spirituale tibetano. Sembra che quando le forze dell’ordine hanno chiesto all’ex monaco di firmare una dichiarazione nella quale si professava seguace di quella divinità, Kaldo abbia invece più volte scritto, al posto della firma, “il Tibet è indipendente”. Picchiato e sottoposto a tortura, Kaldo è morto il 28 aprile in prigione. Read the rest of this entry »
Change Your Mind, Change the World
His Holiness the Dalai Lama and fellow panelists during the morning session of the Change Your Mind, Change the World discussions at the Overture Center in Madison, Wisconsin on May 15, 2013. Photo/Jeremy Russell/OHHDL
Change Your Mind, Change the World – Discussion to Make the World a Healthier, Happier Place
Madison, Wisconsin, USA, 15 May 2013 – Inspiration for convening this discussion of well-being in relation to global health and happiness arose when Richard Davidson, Chair of the Center for Investigating Healthy Minds and Jonathan Patz, Director of the Global Health Institute, both at the University Wisconsin-Madison, were visiting His Holiness the Dalai Lama in India. He showed great interest in participating in such a conversation.
Once His Holiness and the panellists had taken their seats on the stage of the Overture Center for the Arts, which was filled to capacity, proceedings both in the morning and afternoon opened with a musical-poetic performance by Logan Phillips, Molly Sturges and Aaron Stern of the Academy for the Love of Learning, who presented musical and poetic notions of a happier world, such as ‘we are a beautifully sung song.’ Read the rest of this entry »
Il prossimo Dalai Lama rinascerà in Italia?
Sua Santità il XIV Dalai Lama
Il sogno del Dalai Lama: vorrei reincarnarmi in Europa
di Georg Blume 14 maggio 2013, La
La mia reincarnazione sarà in un Paese libero. Mi piacerebbe l’Italia, me lo indica il mio lato spensierato. “I martiri del fuoco non aiutano il Tibet”. Il capo spirituale in esilio ai giovani monaci: basta sacrifici, hanno portato più repressione. E tende la mano alla Cina del nuovo presidente Xi Jinping: “Possiamo vivere da amici”.
Dharamsala – Il piccolo palazzo dove il Dalai Lama è in esilio, nei pressi di Dharamsala, si trova a circa 1.800 metri di altitudine, con sullo sfondo le rocce dell’Himalaya. Qui ogni mattina, dalla passeggiata intorno all’edificio, arrivano centinaia di pellegrini da tutto il mondo. La strada è adornata di “bandiere di preghiera”.
Cartelli invocano il Tibet libero. Il Dalai Lama sta accogliendo nel suo giardino pieno di fiori colorati alcuni suoi fedeli: un gruppo di russi, una coppia di vecchi tibetani, una famiglia coreana. Saluta e abbraccia i suoi ospiti. I coreani si mettono a piangere. Una donna svizzera urla “La amo!”, lui sguscia via. Poco dopo ci accoglie nella sua stanza, un po’ oscura. Read the rest of this entry »
Public Teachings in Madison
His Holiness the Dalai Lama greeting the audience on his arrival at the Alliant Energy Center in Madison, Wisconsin on May 14, 2013. Photo/Jeremy Russell/OHHDL
Public Teachings, Addressing Tibetan Residents and Visiting the State Legislature in Madison, Wisconsin
Madison, Wisconsin, USA, 14 May 2013 – Having been given a better than clean bill of health by his doctors in Rochester, His Holiness the Dalai Lama was accorded a traditional Tibetan welcome on arrival yesterday at Deer Park, the Buddhist Center founded by Geshe Lhundup Sopa near Madison, Wisconsin. On this his ninth visit to Madison, Geshe Sopa and Deer Park requested His Holiness the Dalai Lama to give a public teaching. Consequently, this morning, he came to the Alliant Energy Center in Madison, where every seat was full and 3500 people were gathered to hear him. He was introduced to the audience by Zorba Paster, who thanked Geshe Sopa for inspiring the invitation and everyone who contributed to making the event possible. Read the rest of this entry »
H.H. Dalai Lama Visits the Northwest Tibetan Association in Portland
His Holiness the Dalai Lama is greeted by young children on his arrival at the Northwest Tibetan Cultural Association in Portland, Oregon on May 12, 2013. Photo/Jeremy Russell/OHHDL
His Holiness the Dalai Lama Visits the Northwest Tibetan Association in Portland
Portland, Oregon, USA, 12 May 2013 – Before leaving Portland, His Holiness the Dalai Lama paid a visit to the Northwest Tibetan Association (NWTCA) and spoke to about 1000 people, among them 70 Mongolians. The sky was overcast and a light drizzle was falling, which local people described as more typical of Portland than the bright weather of the past few days.
NWTCA – the Tibetan Community of Oregon and Southwest Washington – have built a new Bodkhang or Community Center. In His Holiness’s honour they had put up a ceremonial gateway and he was given a traditional Tibetan welcome on arrival. He smiled and teased the children lined up to greet him. Read the rest of this entry »
H.H. Dalai Lama Participates in an Environmental Summit and Compassion in Portland
His Holiness the Dalai Lama acknowledging the 11,000 members of the audience wearing white silk scarves at the end of his talk at Veterans Memorial Coliseum in Portland, Oregon on May 11, 2013. Photo/Jeremy Russell/OHHDL
His Holiness the Dalai Lama Participates in an Environmental Summit and Talks about Compassion in Portland
Portland, Oregon, USA, 11 May 2013 – His Holiness the Dalai Lama began his fourth day in Portland, Oregon by giving a short interview to be included in an environmental documentary being created by Maitripa College. He expressed a concern not just for those alive today, but for future generations, suggesting that ecological problems may not affect us, but they will affect them if we don’t act. Asked how compassionate thought can change the world, he said: “One of my dreams, perhaps an impossible dream, is to harness the solar potential of places like the Sahara desert and to use the power to run desalination plants that will produce clean water. It’s a project that would have widespread benefits and would function on a scale that would require global co-operation.” Read the rest of this entry »
Life after Life and Talk on Path to Peace and Happiness in Eugene
His Holiness visit to FPMT Central Office
Life after Life Symposium at Maitripa College and Talk on Path to Peace and Happiness in Eugene
Portland, Oregon, USA, 10 May 2013 – Maitripa College is a Tibetan Buddhist College founded in 2005 in Portland, Oregon. Since 2008, it has been able to award degrees and today His Holiness the Dalai Lama was the special guest during such a commencement ceremony. The sunlit streets outside were filled with well-wishers who waved and called out to His Holiness as he was met at the door by founding President Yangsi Rinpoche. Escorted briskly around the college, he was shown the various facilities before entering the Jokhang or main hall where he viewed the sacred images and paid his respects before taking his seat. Read the rest of this entry »
His Holiness the Dalai Lama Meets Tibetan Students in Portland, Oregon
His Holiness the Dalai Lama meeting with Tibetan staff and students participating in the Global Leadership Initiative in Portland, Oregon, on May 8, 2013. Photo/Jeremy Russell/OHHDL
Meeting Tibetan Students in Portland, Oregon
Portland, Oregon, USA 8 May 2013 – Shortly after arriving in Portland today, having flown from one side of the United States to the other, His Holiness the Dalai Lama met staff and Tibetans students participating in the Global Leadership Initiative. He recalled that as early as the time of his predecessor, the Thirteenth Dalai Lama, there had been efforts to introduce modern education in Tibet. Then, soon after coming into exile in India, priority was given to setting up schools to educate children. Those have largely been successful, he said, but what is needed now is for Tibetans acquire expertise and specialised training.
Speaking to the Tibetan students in their mother tongue, he said: “I would like to remind you that we have our own system of writing that is the most suitable language available today for expressing Buddhist ideas. Read the rest of this entry »
L’invasione cinese
Polizia cinese in assetto di guerra nel centro di Lhasa
L’invasione cinese
di Claudio Cardelli
Nel 1950 per voce del generale Zhu Deh, la Cina rese pubblica la sua decisione di “liberare” il Tibet. I cinesi forzarono le frontiere e l’esercito tibetano, armato di rudimentali fucili ad avancarica che rispecchiavano insieme alle pittoresche uniformi lo stato di arretratezza tecnologica del Paese, opposero un’eroica ma inefficace resistenza. In pochi giorni l’esercito cinese ebbe via libera e avanzò sino a Lhasa che raggiunse nell’aprile del 1951.
L’isolazionismo del Tibet, la vacuità di potere e le faide interne seguite alla morte del XIII Dalai Lama nel 1933, l’incapacità di cogliere la nuova realtà politica scaturita alla fine della seconda guerra mondiale trovarono il Paese indifeso di fronte all’aggressività della neonata Repubblica Popolare Cinese. Read the rest of this entry »