His Holiness the Dalai Lama Visits Nashik Mahakumbh
Ago 31st, 2015 by admin

His Holiness the Dalai Lama Visits Nashik Mahakumbh
Nashik, Maharashtra, India, 30 August 2015 – After an overnight stay in Delhi His Holiness the Dalai Lama arrived in Nashik, Maharashtra mid-morning today and was received at the airport by Swami Giananand and Swami Maisanand, who offered him rich garlands of flowers. Although the retreating monsoon did not delay the flights, there was a major downpour as His Holiness drove into Nashik that turned to light drizzle as he reached his host’s residence. Swami Guru Sharanand-ji Maharaj welcomed His Holiness to the sound of horns and conches.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Swami Guru Sharanand-ji Maharaj planting a sapling on the grounds of Karshni Ashram in Nashik, Maharashtra, India on August 30, 2015.
Photo/Tenzin Choejor/OHHDL

Sitting down with Swami Guru Sharanand-ji, His Holiness told his friend how delighted he was to have received his invitation. He also told him how impressed he was by Swami-ji’s simple way of life and his deep understanding of ancient Indian thought. This brief conversation was followed by lunch for which they were joined by Swami Giananand and Prof. Samdhong Rinpoche. Their discussions of philosophical and spiritual affairs continued as they ate. After lunch, the two spiritual leaders ceremonially planted two bodhi trees beside the drive to the ashram.
During a meeting with the press, His Holiness stressed the need today for a greater sense of the oneness of humanity since the entire world has become so interdependent. Swami Sharanand-ji cited a Sanskrit verse which he translated into English:
“Those who think, ‘This is mine and that is yours. This is me and that is you,’ are small-minded people. The broad-minded think of all people as one.”
His Holiness acknowledged the wisdom of this ancient Indian saying and the need for it to be more widely understood across the world.
His Holiness then addressed the assembled members of the media: “I feel really honoured that Swami-ji invited me to this Mahakumbh beside the Godavari River, particularly as I was unable to attend the most recent Kumbh Mela in Allahabad, despite all the arrangements having been made, because the weather prevented me leaving Dharamsala.”
His Holiness explained his commitment to promoting inter-religious harmony Read the rest of this entry »

Telo Tulku Rinpoche addresses Int’l Buddhist seminar in Moscow
Ago 28th, 2015 by admin

The international seminar, "Buddhist Education, Ethics and Art".
The international seminar, “Buddhist Education, Ethics and Art” in Moscow

Telo Tulku Rinpoche addresses Int’l Buddhist seminar in Moscow

Wednesday, 26 August 2015 16:06 Molly Lortie, Tibet Post International

Moscow — As the honorary representative for His Holiness the Dalai Lama in Russia, CIS countries and Mongolia, Telo Tulku Rinpoche addressed the audience at the international seminar, “Buddhist Education, Ethics and Art,” held in Moscow on the 13th and 14th of August.

Telo Tulku Rinpoche opened the seminar by expressing his appreciation of the efforts by the Russian government aimed at presenting the basics of religious cultures, including Buddhist culture, and secular ethics in high schools, calling the initiative a good example for the whole world. He also called for the revival of the once famous Russian school of Buddhist and Tibetan studies.

The seminar took place in two Institutions: Academy for Advanced Studies and Retraining of Educators (AASRE), and the State Museum of Oriental Art. Co-organizers of the seminar were the Institute of Oriental Studies (Russian Academy of Science – RAS), the State Museum of Oriental Art and the Himalayan Research and Cultural Foundation (New Delhi, India).

Agenda of the Seminar was to discuss new research and development in the field of Buddhist education, ethics and art in Russia and in the countries of Indo-Buddhist world.

S.S. Dalai Lama: Ho totalmente abbandonato ogni responsabilità politica.
Ago 26th, 2015 by admin

dalai_lama_giugno_2015Sua Santità il Dalai Lama: Ho totalmente abbandonato ogni responsabilità politica.

In una breve intervista rilasciata il 21 agosto alla rete Religion and Ethics Newsweekly, il Dalai Lama ha ripetuto di aver totalmente abbandonato, a partire dal 2011, ogni responsabilità politica. Rispondendo alla domanda circa l’importanza da lui attribuita alla questione della reincarnazione, il leader spirituale tibetano ha così risposto: “Molte persone sembrano interessate al futuro di questa istituzione ma per me il problema non ha alcun interesse”.

A questo proposito il Dalai Lama ha aggiunto di avere inequivocabilmente reso noto fin dal 1969 che la decisione finale circa la prosecuzione dell’istituzione del Dalai Lama sarebbe spettata al popolo tibetano. In passato e in diverse occasioni il leader spirituale tibetano aveva affermato che la questione della sua reincarnazione sarebbe stata legata alla necessità e alla validità dell’istituzione Read the rest of this entry »

Piergiorgio Odifreddi: Il regno magico dove la felicità è puro calcolo
Ago 20th, 2015 by admin

Piergiorgio Odifreddi: Il regno magico dove la felicità è puro calcolo

La leggenda vuole che il Buddha storico sia nato a Lumbini, un paesino nepalese a pochi chilometri dai confini con l’India. E poiché la sua predicazione si è poi diffusa in tutto l’Oriente, in quella Betlemme del buddhismo si trovano templi di ogni provenienza asiatica, suddivisi nelle due grandi denominazioni di quella religione: il Piccolo Veicolo “individualista”, praticato in Thailandia, Birmania, Sri Lanka, Cambogia e Laos, e il Grande Veicolo “collettivista”, praticato invece in Cina, Giappone, Vietnam, Corea e Mongolia. Read the rest of this entry »

Chogyal Namkhai Norbu: arriva il lama libera tutti.
Ago 17th, 2015 by admin

Chogyal Namkhai Norbu

Chogyal Namkhai Norbu

Chogyal Namkhai Norbu: arriva il lama libera tutti.

Il Maestro non ti dice se devi andare a destra o sinistra”, di Raimondo Bultrini foto di Paolo Fassoli. Dolcevita, Vagabondi del Dharma 7 Agosto 2015. Il Venerdì di Repubblica.

Cos’ha di speciale il suo modo d’intendere il Buddhismo? Innanzitutto meno formule, meno mantra e più comportamenti quotidiani. Lo racconta l’autore di questo articolo: la guida più (allegramente) illuminata che potreste trovare. Il Maestro assiste alle danze tibetane (si chiamano khaita, ovvero «armonia nello spazio») nel gompa (il luogo di pratica) di Merigar. Tutti a Merigar appassionatamente. Per la sua gente Norbu è un tulku, reincarnazione di maestri dalle buone intenzioni.

Per molti mesi l’anno Giorgio Horn lavorava in Africa come consulente di vari progetti umanitari, e al ritorno passavamo lunghe serate a parlare di vita, musica etno e religioni del mondo. Giorgio aveva incontrato Chogyal Namkhai Norbu, allora docente di Letteratura tibetana e mongola dell’università orientale di Napoli, Read the rest of this entry »

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