A sei anni dall’ultimo incontro con i rappresentanti di Pechino, il Parlamento tibetano affronta la questione del dialogo con la Cina
Set 23rd, 2016 by admin

tibetan-parliament-session22 settembre 2016. Alcuni membri del Parlamento Tibetano in Esilio, riunito in questi giorni in sessione, hanno chiesto al Primo Ministro Lobsang Sangay e  al suo governo chiarimenti sulla situazione e sulle prospettive del dialogo Sino-Tibetano.

A sei anni di distanza – correva l’anno 2010 – dagli ultimi colloqui tra gli inviati del Dalai Lama e i rappresentanti del governo di Pechino sullo status del Tibet e sulla richiesta di una maggiore autonomia del Paese formulata dal Dalai Lama nell’Approccio della Via di Mezzo, la Cina continua a rifiutare ogni tipo di incontro e ad attaccare pubblicamente il leader tibetano. Essendo il dialogo con Pechino e la proposta del Dalai Lama la posizione ufficiale dell’Amministrazione Centrale Tibetana, alcuni parlamentari tibetani hanno chiesto al Sikyong di riferire sull’attuale situazione e sulle prospettive riguardanti la ripresa dei colloqui con i rappresentanti della Cina. (Nella foto un momento della cerimonia inaugurale della sessione parlamentare)

I membri del Parlamento hanno tra l’altro domandato al Primo Ministro se, nell’arco del suo secondo mandato, si avvarrà di tecniche di comunicazione più incisive con la leadership cinese e se, nonostante l’apparente stagnazione dei colloqui, è stato intrapreso qualche passo dietro le quinte. Lobsang Sangay si è dichiarato pronto e fiducioso in una ripresa del dialogo entro breve tempo, ferma restando la necessità di un atteggiamento positivo e della cooperazione da parte del governo cinese. “Continuiamo ad impegnarci per cercare una via di comunicazione tra Dharamsala e Pechino”, ha affermato il Sikyong. “Lo scorso anno, anche il Presidente Obama ha chiesto a Xi Jinping di riprendere il dialogo con il Dalai Lama”.  Lobsang Sangay ha tuttavia chiesto al Parlamento di non insistere sulla richiesta di dettagli trattandosi di una questione delicata e segretata. Read the rest of this entry »

His Holiness the Dalai Lama: ‘Forgiveness and Reconciliation’ in Wroclaw
Set 22nd, 2016 by admin

History, ‘Forgiveness and Reconciliation’ in Wroclaw, European Capital of Culture 2016

Wroclaw, Poland, 20 September 2016 – His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s first full day in Wroclaw began with an interview by Piotr Krasko for TVN. The conversation touched on his having no fear of death and his sense that the unique Buddhist insight concerning the absence of intrinsic existence of self or phenomena had resulted in a reduction of his negative emotions. He also expressed conviction that through practice in life after life over millions of years it is possible to reach Buddhahood. He observed that the principal message of all the world’s major religions is love.

Piotr Krasko of TVN interviewing His Holiness the Dalai Lama in Wroclaw, Poland on September 20, 2016.
Photo/Jeremy Russell/OHHDL

A question about the small boy depicted recently rescued from rubble in Syria reminded him that in Islam prayers are addressed to Allah the merciful and compassionate. He contended that as with other religious traditions the message of the Quran is love. He reported recently meeting with a group of young people from Africa and the Middle East, some of whom had determined in the immediate aftermath of bomb attacks to dedicate themselves to peace.

His Holiness suggested that young people may be induced to fight and kill for their faith when they are convinced that there is only one truth and one true faith and no sense of living in a world where the existence of several truths and a multiplicity of faiths is the reality. He advised that reaching out and listening to grievances would be more effective than trying to eliminate people by force. He recommended that education that includes universal values is the way to shape a better future.
A short drive through Wroclaw old town brought His Holiness to the City Hall, where, escorted by Mayor Rafal Dutkiewicz, he was welcomed to an event in a vaulted 13th century chamber. In 2016, Wroclaw, along with San Sebastian in Spain, is a European Capital of Culture. Before 200 guests, including Archbishop J. Kupny, councillors, rectors of universities, city authorities, consuls, directors of cultural institutions and honorary citizens of Wroclaw, the Mayor introduced His Holiness and offered him a gift representing freedom. Read the rest of this entry »

His Holiness the Dalai Lama Observing the International Day of Peace at the Church of Peace, Swidnica
Set 22nd, 2016 by admin

Observing the International Day of Peace at the Church of Peace, Swidnica

Wroclaw, Poland, 21 September 2016 – More than thirty Tibetans and Mongolians living or studying in Poland came to see His Holiness the Dalai Lama before he left for his day’s engagements. He spoke to them briefly: “Tibet is known as the Roof of the World, but also as the Land of Avalokiteshvara. We Tibetans have our own language, with its own writing, which is the best medium for accurately explaining Buddhist teachings. In the past some Tibetans were shy of saying they were from Tibet—not any more. We have every reason to be confident. We have the seed of compassion and we need to strengthen it through reason and training. Read the rest of this entry »

His Holiness the Dalai Lama in Strasbourg: Avalokiteshvara Empowerment and Public Talk
Set 20th, 2016 by admin

Avalokiteshvara Empowerment and Public Talk

Strasbourg, France, 18 September 2016 – It was dark and raining when His Holiness the Dalai Lama left his hotel for the Zénith Strasbourg this morning. Dawn broke on the way and he was warmly received when he arrived. Sitting before the mandala pavilion he engaged immediately with preparations for the empowerment he was to give. An hour or so later, he addressed the audience.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama engaged with preparations for the Avalokiteshvara Empowerment at the Zenith Center in Strasbourg, France on September 18, 2016.
Photo/Jeremy Russell/OHHDL

As I was saying yesterday, Buddhist teachings can be seen as fitting into a general structure or as tailored to a specific target. Today’s teachings belong to the second category. This empowerment concerns Avalokiteshvara, the Great Compassionate One. The Nyingma tradition speaks of distant, close and profound visionary teachings; this belongs to the latter. It belongs to the great 5th Dalai Lama’s ‘Secret Visions’.

The 1st Dalai Lama founded Tashi Lhunpo, the 2nd, known as the non-sectarian Yellow Hat, moved to Drepung, which became the Dalai Lamas’ residence. The 3rd and 4th lived there. The 5th Dalai Lama had a special connection with the Sakyas’ ‘Path and Fruit’ tradition and composed a text which they still use. The 6th and 7th Dalai Lamas were great masters and the 8th had exceptional experiences. The 13th Dalai Lama had connections with the Nyingmas through Tertön Sögyal, Lerab Lingpa, whose Vajrakilaya ritual is followed by Namgyal Monastery today.

Regarding ecumenical and non-sectarian practice, I didn’t pursue it to begin with because of my connection with Dolgyal (Shugden). The 5th Dalai Lama described Dolgyal as a ‘perfidious spirit’ who harms the doctrine and sentient beings due to having made flawed prayers. Once I gave up having anything to do with Dolgyal I was able to receive explanations of Nyingma practices, including the ‘Secret Visions’, from Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, which were very helpful. I found guidance on the nature of the mind helpful in understanding the completion stage of Guhyasamaja. Read the rest of this entry »

His Holiness the Dalai Lama Teaching Nagarjuna’s ‘Commentary on Bodhichitta’ in Strasbourg
Set 19th, 2016 by admin

Teaching Nagarjuna’s ‘Commentary on Bodhichitta’ in Strasbourg

Strasbourg, France, 17 September 2016 – Eight thousand eight hundred people gathered today in the Zénith de Strasbourg, an indoor sporting arena and concert hall designed in the Postmodern Expressionist style, to listen to His Holiness the Dalai Lama explain Nagarjuna’s ‘Commentary on Bodhichitta’. His Holiness spoke largely in Tibetan, which was eloquently translated into French by Ven Matthieu Ricard over the PA system. The teaching was also available through radios and headsets in English, Italian, German, Russian, Chinese, Portuguese, Spanish and Vietnamese. Live webcasts in these languages were available to the world at large.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama greeting the audience of 8,800 on his arrival on stage at the Zenith Arena in Strasbourg, France on September 17, 2016. Photo/Olivier Adam

On arrival at the hall, His Holiness walked directly from his car to the stage, where he greeted old friends among the monks gathered round the throne before coming to the edge of the stage to greet the audience. He took his seat and began without further ado.

Dear Dharma friends, today we’re going to study a Buddhist text together. There are teachings that belong to the general structure of Buddhism and others tailored for specific individuals—these mostly comprise tantric teachings. This teaching belongs to the general structure. It is related to the Perfection of Wisdom Sutras, the most excellent teachings of the Buddha. Their implicit content has been clarified by Maitreya in works such as the ‘Ornament of Mahayana Sutras’, while their explicit content has been made clear by Nagarjuna in his ‘Fundamental Wisdom’, ‘70 Stanzas on Emptiness’ and ‘60 Stanzas on Reasoning’.

In 8th century, the Tibetan Emperor, Trisong Detsen invited Shantarakshita and Padmasambhava to Tibet, and so Buddhism was established there. Shantarakshita  was one of the pre-eminent scholars of Nalanda University at the time as his works ‘The Ornament of the Middle Way Teachings’ (Madhyamaka-alankara) and ‘Compendium of Reality’ (Tattvasamgraha) reveal. His student Kamalashila, who followed him to Tibet, composed a commentary to the ‘Compendium’. Read the rest of this entry »

His Holiness the Dalai Lama: Body, Mind, Science at University of Strasbourg
Set 18th, 2016 by admin

Body, Mind, Science at University of Strasbourg

Strasbourg, France, 16 September 2016 – The sky was overcast this morning as His Holiness the Dalai Lama drove across the city to the University of Strasbourg to take part in a dialogue with the scientific community, at the interface of modern science, engagement, and meditation. He was welcomed to the University by Theologist Michel Deneken, who just yesterday was promoted to become the University’s new President, Dean of the Medical School, Jean Sibilia and Rheumatologist Jean-Gérard Bloch. They escorted him directly to the small auditorium where an audience of just over 140 staff members were gathered, although another 1300 students and staff were watching elsewhere in the building via a live webcast.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama greeting the audience at the Science et d’Ingenierie Supramoleculaires’ auditorium of the University of Strasbourg in Strasbourg, France on September 16, 2016. Photo/Olivier Adam

Michel Deneken opened proceedings by asking how His Holiness preferred to be addressed, noting that he had recently told an interviewer that he would be happy to be called ‘brother’. His Holiness said he’d love that. Deneken introduced the University as one of the great Universities of Europe established on both sides of the Rhine, being Catholic and Protestant, French and German, and with a reputation for openness. He concluded by telling His Holiness how delighted he was by his presence.

The first session, Neurosciences, set out to examine the regulation of attention and emotions by mindfulness meditation, and was moderated by Michel de Mathelin. Wolf Singer a distinguished neuroscientist interested in the relation between the material and spiritual asked how meditation acts on the mental substrate and how insight influences the brain. His Holiness responded by looking back 3-4000 years in India to the emergence of the practice of shamatha meditation in which the mind is focussed on a single object. Subsequently, vipashyana or special insight meditation emerged which was more investigative. Through concentration and analysis these practices became the basis for coming to understand the workings of the mind. Read the rest of this entry »

His Holiness the Dalai Lama Visits the European Parliament and Council of Europe in Strasbourg
Set 16th, 2016 by admin

His Holiness the Dalai Lama Visits the European Parliament and Council of Europe in Strasbourg

Strasbourg, France, 15 September 2016 – As His Holiness the Dalai Lama arrived at the European Parliament this morning, the flags of member states arrayed outside flew freely in the breeze, lit by the early morning sun. His visit began with a meeting with President of the European Parliament, Martin Schulz. This was followed by discussions with Elmar Brok, Chairman of the European Parliament’s Committee on Foreign Affairs, prior to meeting with the Committee. Welcomed as an advocate of freedom, human rights and protecting the environment, His Holiness was given the floor.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama addressing the European Parliament’s Committee on Foreign Affairs in Strasbourg, France on September 15, 2016. Photo/Olivier Adam

Respected brothers and sisters, as human beings there are no differences between us, we belong to one human family. It’s a great honour for me to have this opportunity. I am an admirer of the spirit of the European Union. In relation to our own problems in Tibet, we are not seeking separation from the People’s Republic of China; we are not splittists although that’s what Chinese hard-liners continue to accuse us of being.

Since 2011 I have completely retired from political responsibility, which is handled now by an elected leader. I’m 81 and some friends say I look younger and ask my secret. I think it’s to do with peace of mind and tackling the destructive emotions. Basic human nature is compassionate and all human beings have the potential to create inner peace. And I believe world peace can only be built on the basis of inner peace.

I have three commitments I’d like to tell you about. The first is to promote a sense of the oneness of humanity, that we are all equally human beings. Generally we pay too much attention to secondary differences between us, such our religious faith, nationality, whether we are rich or poor etc. and neglect what fundamentally we have in common. As I mentioned before, I admire the spirit of the European Union and would like to see such a union in Africa and Asia.”

His Holiness explained that as a Buddhist monk, a follower of the Nalanda masters, thinkers and philosophers of ancient India, his second commitment is to fostering inter-religious harmony. He remarked that all religious traditions make love their main message, supported by tolerance, contentment and self-discipline. He observed that in India all the world’s major traditions are represented and live together in harmony. He asked if India can do it, why not other countries too?

Read the rest of this entry »

Il Dalai Lama: l’Approccio della Via di Mezzo è la sola strada percorribile per risolvere la questione del Tibet
Set 16th, 2016 by admin

tibet-dalai-lama-parigi15 settembre 2016. In un incontro con i giornalisti francesi avvenuto a Parigi il 13 settembre, il Dalai Lama ha affermato che l’Approccio della Via di Mezzo rimane la sola strada percorribile per la soluzione della questione del Tibet.

Sono finiti i giorni in cui si assisteva alla vittoria di una parte e alla totale sconfitta dell’altra”, ha precisato il leader tibetano ricordando che la Via di Mezzo da lui proposta – un Tibet con un alto grado di autonomia all’interno della Repubblica Popolare –  sarebbe di beneficio sia per i tibetani sia per i cinesi. “E’ necessaria una riconciliazione, altrimenti la nostra lotta non avrà successo” (nella foto il Dalai Lama all’incontro con la stampa e con oltre 3000 tibetani al Palazzo dei Congressi).

A chi gli chiedeva se avrebbe volentieri incontrato Papa Francesco ad Assisi, il Dalai Lama ha risposto di essere sempre stato disponibile ad incontrare ogni pontefice fin dal lontano 1973, ma ultimamente non è accaduto. Ricordiamo che il Dalai Lama non è stato invitato a partecipare all’incontro di dialogo tra religioni e culture in programma ad Assisi dal 18 al 20 settembre. Partecipò all’incontro nel 1986, su invito dell’allora pontefice Giovanni Paolo II, Papa Wojtyla.

Ha suscitato le consuete, violente reazioni della Cina l’invito a visitare Taiwan e a tenere un ciclo di conferenze sui temi della libertà e della democrazia rivolto al Dalai Lama da Freddi Lin, parlamentare del Partito democratico progressista attualmente al governo dell’isola. Il 13 settembre, Ma Xiaoguang, portavoce dell’Ufficio cinese per gli Affari con Taiwan, ha fatto sapere che “la Cina si oppone con fermezza a ogni forma di visita” del leader tibetano. “I tentativi di collusione di alcune forze di Taiwan con i separatisti che vogliono l’indipendenza del Tibet e ogni mossa volta a destabilizzare la Cina avranno gravissime conseguenze sulle relazioni al di là dello Stretto”. Read the rest of this entry »

His Holiness the Dalai Lama in Paris Meeting the Press, the Paris Bar Council and the Local Tibetan Community
Set 15th, 2016 by admin

Meeting the Press, the Paris Bar Council and the Local Tibetan Community

Paris, France, 13 September 2016 – Representatives of several news agencies including Agence France-Presse, Le Croix (Christian Daily News), and Le Point (a weekly news magazine) conducted an interview together with His Holiness the Dalai Lama this morning. They began by asking how to talk about happiness in France and he replied that this was a question asked in many developed countries. Material goals and material development can be very helpful, but of limited benefit. They provide physical comfort without affecting our mental unease.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama meeting with journalists from the Agence France-Presse, Le Croix, and Le Point in Paris, France on September 14, 2016. Photo/Olivier Adam

We tend to think that if we fulfil our material needs,” he said, “all our problems will be solved, but that’s not so.”

Asked if he would like to meet Pope Francis, he told them that he had tried to meet each new Pope since 1973, but in the present case it had not yet happened. He was similarly asked if he regretted not being able to shake President Francois Hollande’s hand and replied that meeting members of the public was more important.

He explained that since retiring from political responsibility 5 years ago he has been more concerned about preserving Tibet’s culture, language and natural environment. He confirmed that the Middle Way Approach he advocated with regard to Tibet in relation to China remains viable because it envisages a mutually beneficial solution. He said: The days of victory for one side and complete defeat of the other are over. What we need is reconciliation, otherwise we’ll not succeed.”
His Holiness told the journalists it was not especially important to preserve the institution of the Dalai Lama because everything does not depend on one person. The most important advice he would like people to heed is that the well-being of all 7 billion human beings alive today is everyone’s concern. He compared adopting a sense of universal responsibility to the spirit of the EU according to which it is better to support the greater good than just local or national interest.
“We Tibetans took refuge in India and other countries,” he said, describing the issue of migrants as complicated, “but our long-term goal is to return to Tibet. People from Africa and the Middle East deserve to be given opportunity. The innocent and vulnerable, especially children need temporary shelter. Children need education and youth need training so that when they eventually return they can help rebuild their countries.” Read the rest of this entry »

His Holiness the Dalai Lama in Paris at the Senate, Inter-Faith Dialogue at Collège des Bernadins and Language Discussion at INALCO
Set 15th, 2016 by admin

Breakfast at the Senate, Inter-Faith Dialogue at Collège des Bernadins and Language Discussion at INALCO

Paris, France, 14 September 2016 – Mare’s Tail clouds laced the sky while the low early morning light caught the golden filigree decorating many of Paris’s grand buildings as His Holiness the Dalai Lama drove to the French Senate this morning. He was attending an informal breakfast meeting with thirty Senators and Deputies, who lined up to greet him at the top of the stairs. Senator Michel Raison welcomed His Holiness and invited him to speak to them.

French interpreter Ven Matthieu Ricard and Senator Michel Raison look on as His Holiness the Dalai Lama speaks to Senators and Deputies during an informal meeting at the French Senate in Paris, France on September 14, 2016.
Photo/Olivier Adam

Brothers and sisters, it is indeed a great honour for me to be here able to meet you,” he told them. “I appreciate your concern for Tibet, which is a just cause. Right from the beginning we have taken a non-violent approach to it. In fact the recent sad incidents of self-immolation show Tibetans’ continuing determination not to harm others in their struggle.

All our friends know that, despite our past history, we are not seeking independence or separation from China. In recent years we have noticed almost a thousand articles in Chinese expressing support for our Middle Way Approach (MWA) and criticism of Chinese government policy. Recently I met Chinese scholars familiar with our situation who told me that Xinjiang would do well also to take such an approach.”

His Holiness mentioned how impressed he is by the spirit of the European Union, which shows it is possible to put the past behind us and adapt to a new reality. He recalled his one-time physics tutor Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker telling him that during his childhood to every French eye a German was an enemy and that Germans felt the same way about the French. This is no more; everything has changed. He expressed hope that the spirit of Europe will eventually be extended to Russia, Africa and Asia. He said this is the future of the world, because we have to live as one family and the spirit of the European Union exemplifies how this can be done. Read the rest of this entry »

Despite fears, support for Dalai Lama remains strong in China’s Sichuan province
Set 13th, 2016 by admin

Prayer flags dot the landscape of a Tibetan region in China’s Sichuan province. (Photo: Jeremy Koh)

Prayer flags dot the landscape of a Tibetan region in China’s Sichuan province. (Photo: Jeremy Koh)

On a recent government-organised trip to Aba Prefecture, a Tibetan region in Sichuan, Channel NewsAsia found that support for the Dalai Lama remained strong, even though many were fearful of discussing him publicly.

BEIJING: Aba Prefecture lies just outside the Tibetan Autonomous Region, and it is part of what Tibetans consider their homeland. In theory, foreign journalists do not need special permission to be here, but many reporters have been turned away in the past.

That is because this region has traditionally defied Chinese rule. But the aim of our trip was to showcase the positive aspects of Chinese development in this region.

Feng Yu, the Deputy Secretary-General of the Aba People’s Government, said: “We have religious freedom here. Every citizen has the freedom to either believe in or not believe in a religion.”

As part of our itinerary, we were brought to the Dazha Academy, a Tibetan Buddhist monastery in Zoige County.

There, we were told the monastery actively promotes Tibetan Buddhism culture and traditional culture. When asked about the government’s relationship with them, the monastery’s living Buddha said it was very good. Read the rest of this entry »

Il Dalai Lama torna ma non viene ricevuto dalle autorità francesi
Set 13th, 2016 by admin

2016-09-11-brussels-g15-hhdlbrussels_392__mle3366Il Dalai Lama torna in Francia dopo 5 anni: non viene ricevuto dalle autorità francesi

Attesa e scalpore per il Dalai Lama giunto oggi in Francia dopo cinque anni al fine di tenere svariate conferenze senza essere però ricevuto ufficialmente dalle autorità francesi, troppo preoccupate di non irritare Pechino.

Il capo spirituale del buddismo tibetano, 81 anni, si concetrerà nel corso delle conferenze, su innumerevoli temi a lui molto vicini, quali “l’armonia fra le religioni”, “il dialogo con la scienza” e “il benessere del popolo tibetano”, prima però si esprimerà domani a Parigi sul rapporto fra diritto e ambiente per poi incontrare i tibetani in esilio in Francia che, secondo indiscrezioni, pare siano più di 3.000.

In seguito il Dalai Lama interverrà al Consiglio d’Europa a Strasburgo ed eccetto un incontro organizzato al Senato con dei parlamentari del gruppo di informazione sul Tibet e un evento in suo onore al comune di Strasburgo, il capo spirituale dei Tibetani non incontrerà nessun’altra personalità francese. “Non ho niente da dire ai leader politici, preferisco parlare della felicità, delle famiglie felici e di un mondo felice”, ha detto in una recente intervista a Le Monde, pur essendo comunque propenso nad incontrare chiunque voglia conoscerlo, come l’ex ministro Emmanuel Macron visto questo pomeriggio a seguito di pressioni a quest’ultimo imposte, pare, delle autorità cinesi.

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H.H. Dalai Lama: Inter-faith Event at University of Louvain
Set 13th, 2016 by admin

His Holiness the Dalai Lama speaking to members of the Young Presidents’ Association in Brussels, Belgium on September 12, 2016. Photo/Olivier Adam

Inter-faith Event at University of Louvain
Paris, France, 12 September 2106 – On his last morning in Brussels, His Holiness the Dalai Lama met with members of the Young Presidents’ Organisation, a global network of young chief executives. They said they accepted that science has shown basic human nature to be compassionate, but wanted to know how to apply this finding in their businesses. His Holiness replied: “The quality of every human activity ultimately depends on your motivation. If you are motivated by hatred, fear or jealousy, whatever you do is unlikely to turn out well. On the other hand an outburst of destructive emotions like anger tends to be a spontaneous response to some other event. As human beings our intelligence allows us to train in unbiased compassion. When we are motivated this way, the result is more enduring, whereas the result of anger is relatively short-lived. Whatever you do motivated by genuine, unbiased compassion will never give you cause for regret. This doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with religion because it is rooted in common sense and our common experience.”

His Holiness told his young listeners about a Tibetan monk he had known well in Tibet, who remained behind there in 1959, was arrested and harshly imprisoned for 18 years. When he was released in the 1980s, he made his way to India where His Holiness met him and asked him what had happened. He said he had frequently faced danger. When His Holiness asked what he meant, he said he’d been in danger of losing his sense of compassion for his Chinese gaolers. His Holiness recalled how moved he’d been to realise that the loss of compassion was what the monk thought of as danger.
“This,” he said, “is evidence of real spiritual practice. Such compassion is a source of strength. It brings self-confidence and a transparent sincerity. If you deal with your employees or customers with such compassion, you’ll succeed.”
His Holiness went on to point out that according to circumstances, there may be occasions when, with a compassionate motivation, you need to take firm action or use harsh words. He said that is consistent with having a clear motivation and keeping in mind your greater goal. Read the rest of this entry »

His Holiness the Dalai Lama: Mind & Life Europe – Power & Care – Third Day
Set 12th, 2016 by admin

Mind & Life Europe – Power & Care – Third Day

Brussels, Belgium, 11 September 2016 – Interviewed by Stefaan Meerbergen for VRT – Flemish TV News this morning, the first question was whether he was enjoying his visit to Belgium and Europe. His Holiness the Dalai Lama replied that he was and recalled telling the BBC’s Mark Tully in 1973 as he embarked on his first visit to the West that he was going because he considered himself a citizen of the world. He confirmed that he is an optimist, convinced that if the proper efforts are made to improve education, to make it more holistic and inclusive of universal values, the world will become a happier more peaceful place later in this century.

Olafur Eliasson delivering his presentation on the final day of the Mind & Life Dialogue in Brussels, Belgium on September 11, 2016. Photo/Olivier Adam

Brussels’ Sunday morning streets were quiet and the sky was overcast as he drove again to the Bozar Centre for Fine Arts to attend the third day of the Mind & Life Europe conference.

Theo Sowa was moderator for the fifth and final session. She invited artist Olafur Eliasson to talk about his work. He drew attention to the geometrical light sculpture in the ceiling of the hall which he explained was powered by a solar panel on the roof. The artwork served as a shared point of reference for speakers and listeners alive. He talked about rainbows in the play of light and water and the participation of our perception in their appearance. He also described a project he is involved with manufacturing small portable solar lamps that bring light to those who have no other access to it.

Scilla Elsworthy, a long term peace activist and mover for social change explained that for years she has talked to people participating in nuclear weapons programs at every stage. She said she’d also talked to people who put themselves at risk to protect others, people who know how to prevent war. She pointed out that our weaponry is defunct.The major threats humanity faces today such as climate change and the gap between rich and poor do not respond to either our possession or use of weapons. Read the rest of this entry »

Perché Papa Francesco non ha invitato, come aveva invece fatto Papa Giovanni Paolo II, il Dalai Lama ad Assisi?
Set 11th, 2016 by admin

assisi-gpii-672L’oriente e la coscienza secondo Francesco

di Raimondo Bultrini, Blog, La Repubblica 10.09.16

La fonte è al di là di ogni sospetto, la seguita rivista cattolica online AsiaNews. Riferisce che il Papa e il Vaticano non hanno invitato il Dalai lama all’iniziativa “Sete di Pace. Fedi e culture in dialogo”, l’appuntamento di Assisi tra diverse religioni del mondo per una preghiera di fratellanza universale. La conferma ad Asianews viene dal segretario del leader tibetano che in questi giorni si trova in Europa con prossime tappe, dopo il Belgio, Lituania, Svizzera e Francia. Quando gli incontri di Assisi iniziarono nel 1986, esattamente 30 anni fa, il Dalai lama era al fianco di Giovanni Paolo II, il papa polacco che – ricorda AsiaNews – intendeva raccogliere “i leader di tutte le religioni insieme per pregare – ognuno nel suo ambito – ed elevare insieme una invocazione per la pace nel mondo”. Quest’anno papa Francesco ripeterà l’iniziativa del papa polacco con una riedizione degli incontri nella città del santo previsti il 20 settembre alla presenza di oltre 400 esponenti religiosi. Ma tra loro non ci saranno a quanto pare – riferisce il sito cattolico – nemmeno i rappresentanti dell’induismo, religione seguita da un miliardo di persone. Nell’elenco diffuso dalla Santa Sede risultano invece – con l’eccezione di una relativamente rappresentativa scuola buddhista giapponese – solo fedi monoteiste: “il patriarca ecumenico ortodosso Bartolomeo I; l’arcivescovo anglicano di Canterbury Justin Welby; un rappresentante del mondo islamico (non specificato) e uno dell’ebraismo (anche questo non specificato). Previsto infine un colloquio con Efrem II, patriarca siro-ortodosso di Antiochia”. Read the rest of this entry »

H.H. Dalai Lama: Mind & Life Europe – Power & Care – Second Day
Set 10th, 2016 by admin

Mind & Life Europe – Power & Care – Second Day

Brussels, Belgium, 10 September 2016 – People patiently and good-naturedly lined the corridors of the Brussels Bozar Centre for Fine Arts waiting to greet His Holiness the Dalai Lama as he arrived this morning for the second day of the Mind & Life conference. During the first day, presenters were mostly scientists. Today they came from more diverse fields. The panel that joined His Holiness in the Henry le Boeuf Hall this morning discussed Power & Care from the perspective of Spiritual and Religious traditions. Moderator Roshi Joan Halifax invited him to say a few words at the beginning.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama delivering his opening remarks at the start of the morning session of the second day of the Mind & Life Dialogue in Brussels, Belgium on September 10, 2016. Photo/Olivier Adam

It’s indeed a great honour to be here to participate in these discussions,” His Holiness began, “one of my three commitments is to promote harmony among religious traditions. There is a solid basis for this because they all advance a common practice of love and to protect it counsel tolerance, forgiveness and self-discipline. There are differences in their philosophical views, the existence and role of a creator or the conduct of non-violence, for example, but all support the practice of love. These different views appeal to people of different dispositions at various times in various place.

Since the September 11th event I have defended Islam. It’s clear that if a Muslim commits bloodshed, they are no longer a proper Muslim. It’s a mistake to casually refer to Muslim terrorists or Buddhist terrorists, because those who engage in terrorism are no longer proper proponents of their faith. I’ve learned this from Muslim friends and confirmed it in discussion with Muslim scholars.

Then there are the cultural aspects of religious tradition that are linked to particular times and places. Indian friends have told me that during the life of the founder of Jainism, Mahavira, animal sacrifice was so widespread it had economic repercussions. Mahavira responded by teaching a strict adherence to non-violence and respect for life. Islam was first revealed to unruly nomadic peoples in Arabia with few rules, which is why the Quran lays out Sharia law. Some of these customs, like the Dalai Lamas’ political role, with its feudal connotations, should change. In India too, the caste system that gives rise to far-reaching discrimination is out of date, blaming it on karma or the wishes of the creator is inadequate. Read the rest of this entry »

H.H.Dalai Lama: Mind & Life Europe – Power & Care – First Day
Set 10th, 2016 by admin

Mind & Life Europe – Power & Care – First Day

Brussels, Belgium, 9 September 2016 – This morning the streets of Brussels were still quiet as His Holiness the Dalai Lama drove to the Bozar Centre for Fine Arts. The route took him past grand government buildings, various ornate churches and the impressive equestrian statue of the Crusader Godfried of Bouillon in Royal Square. Walking from the car through the Bozar Centre to the Henry le Boeuf Hall, old friends, well-wishers and members of the public pressed forward to interact with him.

A view of the stage of the Bozar Centre’s Henry le Boeuf Hall during Prof Franz de Waal’s presentation at the Mind & Life Dialogue in Brussels, Belgium on September 9, 2016. Photo/Olivier Adam

Once His Holiness and the first session’s panellists, as well as the audience of 1900 people had taken their seats, Managing Director of Mind & Life Europe, Sander Tideman welcomed them to the 31st Mind & Life dialogue, the first in Brussels, the capital of Europe. He expressed gratitude to all who had contributed to the organization of the event, particularly the volunteers. In his welcoming remarks Pierre Gurdjian President of The Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB) suggested that one aspect of the theme of the conference—Power & Care—was leadership, remarking that those who want to change the world are leaders.

Moderator for the morning session, Ven. Matthieu Ricard said there were three days to explore the relations between power and care, during which he hoped it would be possible to find a healthy balance between the two. He invited Prof Franz de Waal to open discussions under the heading Ethology. De Waal talked about what he has learned from close study of chimpanzees and bonobos about power and relations of dominance. He identified the bipedal swagger of the dominant male and the bow of the submissive one, amusingly comparing photos of primates with those of known politicians. De Waal pointed out that the leadership of a dominant male chimpanzee or bonobo can involve a combination of power and care, for one of the ways he exercises it is to put a stop to fights in the troop. And while consoling is generally associated with females, the dominant males exhibit a talent for this too. Read the rest of this entry »

Bruxelles: il Dalai Lama ospite d’onore all’apertura della 7° conferenza dei Gruppi di Sostegno al Tibet
Set 9th, 2016 by admin

seventh-intern-conference8 settembre 2016. Sono iniziati oggi i lavori della 7° conferenza dei Gruppi di Sostegno al Tibet che vede riuniti a Bruxelles 250 delegati provenienti da 50 diversi paesi. L’Associazione Italia-Tibet è rappresentata dal vice presidente Thubten Tenzin.

Il Dalai Lama, in questi giorni in Europa per un tour di diciotto giorni durante i quali visiterà, oltre al Belgio, la Francia e la Polonia, ha presenziato come ospite d’onore alla cerimonia inaugurale. Rivolto ai delegati, ha affermato che la soluzione del problema del Tibet non è soltanto una questione politica ma è anche la via attraverso la quale potrà essere garantita al mondo intero la pace grazie alla conoscenza e alla preservazione della cultura del paese. A tutti ha rivolto parole di ringraziamento e di incoraggiamento a proseguire nello sforzo e nell’impegno comune. Read the rest of this entry »

India and Nepal concern over Tibet flood advice gap
Set 9th, 2016 by admin

The main part of Barabise town managed to withstand the monsoon floods but it suffered badly in last year’s earthquake

The main part of Barabise town managed to withstand the monsoon floods but it suffered badly in last year’s earthquake

India and Nepal concern over Tibet flood advice gap

By Navin Singh Khadka, BBC, 8 September 2016

India and Nepal say a lack of information from China about glacial lakes and rivers in Tibet could hamper their ability to plan for flash floods.

Sources say there has been a rise in avalanches, landslide-dammed rivers bursting, glaciers cracking and glacial lakes dangerously filling up.

Studies by Chinese scientists have shown glaciers and permafrost rapidly melting in Tibet.

Earthquakes also continue to destabilise them.

A recent study has shown Tibet topping the list of places across the globe that has experienced an increase in water.

Mining and dam construction in the Tibetan plateau have further fuelled concerns in downstream countries.

In the absence of early warnings from Tibet, water-related disasters can cause human and property losses downstream in Bhutan, Nepal, India and potentially Bangladesh.

Flooding and loss

One recent event took place in July when buildings in Nepalese towns bordering Tibet were swept away by a sudden flood. Read the rest of this entry »

H. H. Dalai Lama in Brussels Inaugurates 7th Tibet Support Group Conference
Set 9th, 2016 by admin

Arrival in Brussels and Inauguration of 7th Tibet Support Group Conference

Brussels, Belgium, 8 September 2016 – His Holiness the Dalai Lama arrived yesterday in Brussels, the heart of the European Union, a city full of the light and warmth of late summer. He was received at his hotel by 350 Tibetans who gave him a rousing traditional welcome.

Francois Mazure interviewing His Holiness the Dalai Lama for Belgian TV RTBF in Brussels, Belgium on September 8, 2016. Photo/Jeremy Russel/OHHDL

Rising today after 11 hours sleep, his first engagement was to give an interview to Francois Mazure, Editor-in-Chief of the Belgian television channel RTBF. Mazure’s first question referred to the theme of the forthcoming Mind & Life conference—Power and Care. He wanted to know how these two ideas can work together. His Holiness told him power is to do with ability. It’s about being effective. But power can be constructive or destructive. Care, however, is about respecting others’ lives, rights and well-being. It’s good when power is used for benefit. He continued: “It’s because compassion is related to human life, to our survival, to human society that it is part of the message of all religious traditions. Today, we 7 billion human beings are facing all sorts of problems as a result of education systems and lifestyles oriented towards material goals, while only religion gives a sense of inner values. And yet not everyone is interested in religion and even among many who are some are not very serious. Only by improving education can we reach all human beings.”
When Mazure referred to recent terrorist attacks in Europe, including here in Belgium, and asked what His Holiness had to say to those who are angry, he replied that Tibetans too have faced difficulties and some are angry, but he tells them that anger brings no solution and disturbs your peace of mind.
He spoke of writing to President George W Bush, who he counts as a friend, the day after the September 11th tragedy. He said he conveyed his sympathy but also expressed the hope that any response would be non-violent. He said he feels that if the Iraq crisis had been approached in a non-violent way, the situation would have been much better today. He reiterated that the use of force creates more difficulties than it solves. Read the rest of this entry »

H.H. Dalai Lama Expresses Joy at the Sanctification of Mother Teresa
Set 6th, 2016 by admin

His Holiness the Dalai Lama Expresses Joy at the Sanctification of Mother Teresa

His Holiness the Dalai Lama lighting a candle at the tomb of Mother Teresa during his visit to Missionaries of Charity’s Mother House in Kolkata, West Bengal, India on January 12, 2015. Photo/Tenzin Choejor/OHHDL

Dharamsala, HP, India, 5 August 2016 – Writing to the Mother Superior of the Missionaries of Charity, the Order founder by Mother Teresa, His Holiness the Dalai Lama expressed delight that His Holiness the Pope yesterday proclaimed Mother Teresa a Saint. He wrote: “I rejoice at this recognition as an admirer of her dedicated service to humanity, particularly the way she cared for the poorest of the poor. I join you in celebrating her extraordinary life.

Meeting Mother Teresa it was clear she was an exemplary person. I was reminded of this when I made a special visit to the Missionaries of Charity in Kolkata last year to pay tribute to her and the Sisters’ work. She revealed the true practice of love in her charitable activities. Although she is no longer physically with us, her spirit lives on in the work you all do.”

In conclusion he took the opportunity also to express his abiding respect for the humanitarian service of the Missionaries of Charity, praying that it may continue as long as there are poor among us who need help.

Pechino sceglie il nuovo Segretario per Lhasa. I tibetani protestano
Set 2nd, 2016 by admin

save-tibet1-copiaLhasa (AsiaNews) – La nomina di Wu Yingjie a Segretario del Partito comunista della Regione autonoma tibetana ha scatenato il malumore della popolazione locale. Il nuovo leader è infatti un cinese di etnia han, mentre la leadership centrale aveva parlato di una “transizione tibetana” al potere nell’area.

Wu è arrivato in Tibet nel 1974 e ha scalato tutta la gerarchia; rimpiazza Chen Quanguo, che secondo alcuni potrebbe presto divenire capo del Partito nell’altra provincia a larga maggioranza etnica, ovvero lo Xinjiang. Alcuni analisti commentano sul Phayul che questa nomina “rappresenta la volontà di Pechino di andare sul sicuro”.

Sonam Norbu Dagpo, segretario del Dipartimento per l’Informazione e le relazioni internazionali del governo tibetano in esilio, spiega: “Le autorità cinesi proclamano l’affermazione delle minoranze etniche e promettono loro di potersi gestire da sole, ma nei fatti sono gli han a ricoprire i ruoli davvero importanti. I tibetani che occupano cariche altisonanti sono solo pupazzi”.

L’ex presidente della Repubblica popolare, Hu Jintao, aveva promesso “in tempi brevi” un organigramma del Partito “tutto tibetano”. Read the rest of this entry »

Larung Gar: suicidio per protesta di due giovani monache
Set 2nd, 2016 by admin

Tsering Dolma

Tsering Dolma

Larung Gar: suicidio di due giovani monache in segno di protesta per la distruzione del monastero

Due giovani monache residenti presso il Centro di Studi Buddisti di Larung Gar si sono tolte la vita in segno di protesta contro la demolizione di larga parte del monastero decretata dalle autorità cinesi.

Tsering Dolma, una religiosa di circa vent’anni, si è impiccata il 17 agosto. Una fonte locale ha dichiarato a Radio Free Asia che la monaca “non poteva più a lungo sopportare il dolore provocato dalla distruzione di Larung Gar”. “In un appunto scritto prima di darsi la morte ha espresso la sua angoscia per la demolizione in atto, certa che i cinesi non avrebbero mai lasciato vivere in pace i religiosi residenti nel monastero”. Nativa di Mewa, un piccolo centro della Contea di Marthang, nella Prefettura Autonoma di Ngaba, Dolma assisteva “depressa e preoccupata” alla demolizione di migliaia di abitazioni dei monaci. Il dolore l’ha portata alla decisione di togliersi la vita.

Radio Free Asia riferisce la notizia della morte di un’altra monaca, Sengma, originaria del villaggio di Dowa, nella Contea di Dzamthang. A causa della stretta sorveglianza esercitata dalle autorità cinesi sulle comunicazioni telefoniche e telematiche, nel tentativo di impedire fughe di notizie dal luogo delle demolizioni, non sono al momento pervenute altre informazioni relative alla sua persona. Una terza religiosa, non identificata, avrebbe cercato di togliersi la vita ma si sarebbe salvata grazie al tempestivo intervento delle consorelle. Lo scorso 20 luglio  – ma la notizia era pervenuta solo il 9 agosto – una prima monaca, Rinzin Dolma, si era impiccata non potendo sopportare la vista della distruzione del centro monastico e delle continue vessazioni inflitte agli studenti dalle autorità cinesi. Read the rest of this entry »

Education on emotional hygiene is in great need: Dalai Lama
Set 1st, 2016 by admin

Education on emotional hygiene is in great need: Dalai Lama

His Holiness the Dalai Lama speaking on the first day of his teachings at the Main Tibetan Temple in Dharamsala, HP, India on August 29, 2016. Photo/Tenzin Phuntsok/OHHDL

Dharamsala, HP, India, 29 August 2016 (By Tenzin Monlam, – The Tibetan spiritual leader His Holiness the Dalai Lama today said that education on ‘emotional hygiene’ is in great need today’s world. The Tibetan leader was speaking on the first day of the four-day teaching on Nagarjuna’s Precious Garland of the Middle Way (Uma Rinchen Trengwa) at the main temple of Tsuglakhang. Like physical education, learning emotional hygiene is in great need today. Years of discussions with many scholars and educationist friends have led to the decision of coming up with a curriculum on moral ethics without touching any religious aspect,” the Dalai Lama said at the teachings requested by a group from Asia. He said that friendship is built on trust and that trust can only be gained with love and compassion, in the absence of pride, jealousy and malicious thoughts.
“We should all keep our identity and religion aside and consider ourselves human first. At the fundamental level we all seven billion human beings are the same wishing for a happy life,” he said.

A view of the inside of the Main Tibetan Temple on the first day of His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s teachings at the request of a group from Southeast Asia in Dharamsala, HP, India on August 29, 2016. Photo/Tenzin Phuntsok/OHHDL

The spiritual leader added that being a follower of Buddha’s teaching and through 81 years of observation and experience, he has seen tremendous technological developments but lack in the development of moral values. He said modern education, which mostly focuses on materialistic values, should include moral values rooted deep in the love and compassion.
Responding to a question from a devotee, the Tibetan leader said wealth is important and useful for physical comfort but not for mental comfort. “For example, my billionaire friends, they have so much money but as a human being they are very unhappy. So Immense wealth fails to bring inner peace. The only way to bring inner peace is to break the destructive emotions.”
Over 7,000 devotees from 57 different countries attended the first day of the teaching including 1550 from the group of Asian countries at whose request the teaching is being conducted.

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