Addressing 2000 Tibetans in Boston
Giu 27th, 2017 by admin

His Holiness the Dalai Lama waving to the over 2000 Tibetans gathered to hear him speak in Boston, MA, USA on June 25, 2017. Photo by Jeremy Russell/OHHDL

Boston, MA, USA – On a bright and breezy morning His Holiness the Dalai Lama drove across Boston today to address a gathering of 2000 Tibetans from the city and up and down the east coast. Backstage he met and comforted the elderly and infirm.

The event began with a representative delivering a citation from the Governor of Massachusetts, another presenting a gift from the Mayor of Boston and the President of the Boston Tibetan Association making his report. His Holiness began,

I’m here to meet Richie Davidson, so the opportunity arose also to meet all of you. Like Tibetans everywhere, you are keeping the spirit of Tibet alive. We’ve been in exile 58 years. In India we have the CTA. Major monasteries have been re-established and are thriving. Tibetans in exile are scattered all over the world, but wherever we are we form local communities, as you have done here, to preserve our identity and traditions. Those who live in free countries outside Tibet have a responsibility to keep up our spirits to encourage our brothers and sisters in Tibet who remain impressively determined.

In the face of restrictions on education in Tibetan, their spirit remains strong. But they are not free to do what they want. There is discrimination when Tibetans’ loyalty to their community is regarded with suspicion and labelled splittist, while Chinese loyalty to their community is praised. There needs to be equality.

Historically Tibet was a free and independent country in the 7th, 8th and 9th centuries, after which it fragmented. What has since held us together is our common religion, culture and language. Today, it’s very important that Tibetans of the Three Provinces remain united. While remaining within the PRC we want genuine autonomy so we can continue to keep our culture, language and traditions alive.” Read the rest of this entry »

H.H. Dalai Lama Meeting Tibetans in Minneapolis and Travelling on to Boston
Giu 26th, 2017 by admin

His Holiness the Dalai Lama thanking the gathering at the conclusion of his meeting with the Tibetan community in Minneapolis, MN, USA on June 24, 2017. Photo by Jeremy Russell/OHHDL

Boston, MA, USA – The morning skies were a brilliant blue as His Holiness the Dalai Lama drove to the Minneapolis Convention Center to meet members of the Tibetan Community of Minnesota today. He was received by Tibetan American Foundation of Minnesota (TAFM) President Sonam Dhondup, who introduced him to State Senator Carolyn Laine, Minneapolis Mayor Betsy Hodges and Congresswoman Betty McCollum. His Holiness then briefly met with them, other Mayors and government representatives before they all took to the stage.

Sonam Dhondup publicly introduced Congresswoman Betty McCollum, who reminded His Holiness that she was in Dharamsala a month ago with the Nancy Pelosi’s bipartisan Congressional delegation. “Please accept our strong support for Tibetans in Minnesota,” she told him. “I was in Tibet in 2015. I saw the mountains, filled my lungs with the pure air and encountered the warmth of the Tibetan people—but they are not free. It’s past time for the Chinese to lift restrictions on religious freedom and cease violations of human rights. I received a letter from the Chinese consulate pressuring me not to meet with you, Your Holiness. I urge Congress and the people of the USA to stand with the Tibetan people. China is a powerful country, no doubt, but the USA is powerful too and free.” Read the rest of this entry »

Tibetano si sgozza per richiedere la libertà della capitale del Tibet Continua a leggere: Tibetano si sgozza per chiedere la libertà del Tibet
Giu 24th, 2017 by admin

Dharamshala, 23 giugno: Un tibetano è morto dopo essersi tagliato la gola nei pressi del tempio di Jhokhang a Lhasa, dopo aver gridato slogan quali “i tibetani non hanno né diritti né libertà” e “vogliamo essere liberi”; ha riportato la notizia il giornale Voce del Tibet.
Secondo un testimone, l’incidente è avvenuto intorno alle 10:00 ora locale, vicino a Jokhang e subito dopo la polizia locale e gli agenti di sicurezza sono arrivati ​​sulla scena e hanno circondato il luogo da quattro lati usando grandi teli.

Hanno coperto la zona con teli di colore blu scuro, nel tentativo di nascondere l’incidente. Gli agenti hanno proibito ai tibetani vicini al luogo dell’incidente di avvicinarsi e han detto loro che si trattava di un caso di suicidio e non di una protesta”.

In una foto scattata pochi minuti dopo l’arrivo delle autorità si vedono alcuni ufficiali in uniforme che sorreggono grandi teli nel tentativo di bloccare la vista e sorvegliare l’area.

A causa delle immediate restrizioni da parte della polizia locale e degli agenti di sicurezza, l’identità del tibetano rimane ancora sconosciuta. Tuttavia, la fonte ha confermato che era un laico e che è morto sul colpo.

Phayul, 23 giugno 2017

Traduzione Andrea Sinnove,LRF Italia Onlus

English article,Phayul:

His Holiness the Dalai Lama: Compassion is one thing we need, but being realistic is another.
Giu 24th, 2017 by admin

His Holiness the Dalai Lama greeting Forest Whitaker in a discussion on compassion at the Starkey Campus in Minneapolis, MN, USA on June 23, 2017. Photo by Jeremy Russell/OHHDL

Participating in a Panel Discussion on Compassion

Minneapolis, MN, USA – After yesterday’s rain, it was bright and clear as His Holiness the Dalai Lama drove to the William F Austin Building on the Starkey Campus this morning. Bill and Tani Austin welcomed him and introduced him to Forest Whitaker the moderator of the morning’s panel discussion, who he first met last year.

In the auditorium, Tani Austin introduced the panel to an audience of about 250 politicians, businessmen and women and Starkey employees. She spoke of her husband, Bill Austin’s rise from humble beginnings to being a world citizen. Actor Forest Whitaker, as well as working to empower children in places of conflict, is an advocate of sustainable development and a UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador. In describing His Holiness as needing no introduction Mrs Austin meant that everyone in the room had heard his name, but she said she wanted to read a summary of his life so they would also understand something about him. Read the rest of this entry »

His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s Guest of Starkey Hearing Technologies
Giu 23rd, 2017 by admin

His Holiness the Dalai Lama looks on as a member of his entourage undergoes an ear examination at Starkey Hearing Technologies in Minneapolis, MN, USA on June 22, 2017. Photo by Jeremy Russell/OHHDL

Minneapolis, MN, USA – It was raining this morning as His Holiness the Dalai Lama left his hotel to visit the campus of Starkey Hearing Technologies. Co-founder Tani Austin and her sons welcomed him on arrival and escorted him into the facility where Bill Austin was ready to show him around. His Holiness observed as a couple of members of his entourage had their ears checked—a process clearly displayed on a screen—and preparations were made to treat them. In the meantime, he and Bill Austin discussed the crucial importance of hearing in language and human communications.

In his address to 2000 Starkey employees, His Holiness mentioned that he had first met Bill Austin on a previous visit to the US and that subsequently Austin had come to visit him in Dharamsala. He expressed admiration for the work he, and they, are doing to help people improve and recover their hearing.

All of us 7 billion human beings want to live a happy life. When we’re children we need and value our parents’ affection, but as we grow up we seem to increasingly neglect it. Our education system tends to set material goals, paying little attention to basic human values.

All our religious traditions convey a message of love, tolerance and forgiveness, self-discipline and contentment. Follow such teachings should make us compassionate, but today we are aware of people who quarrel, fight and even kill in the name of religion. Our education system gives little guidance about love and affection despite what we 7 billion human beings have in common. We are born the same way, brought up the same way and we die the same way. Read the rest of this entry »

Nomadi tibetani forzati dalle città di reinsediamento
Giu 21st, 2017 by admin

I nomadi tibetani che erano stati costretti a spostarsi dai tradizionali terreni di pascolo a Qinghai ora sono stati chiamati a tornare; le autorità hanno cominciato a trasformare loro attuali case in centri turistici e alloggi per dipendenti governativi.

La nuova politica, annunciata lo scorso anno ha colpito i residenti delle città di Dzatoe e Domda nel Yulshul ed ha influenzato negativamente i tibetani reinsediati, che hanno visto ridurre le loro mandrie da quando sono stati spostati per la prima volta.

Dopo due anni nelle nuove città, i residenti sono ora costretti a tornare nei loro pascoli originali senza i loro animali, che sono la principale fonte di sussistenza delle comunità nomade tibetane. La Cina è chiamata a pianificare un’ importante progetto di sviluppo turistico nel luogo in cui i nomadi tibetani erano stati costretti a spostarsi qualche anno fa”, ha riferito una fonte a Radio Free Asia, parlando a condizione di anonimato. Read the rest of this entry »

His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s Meetings with Teachers and Business Leaders
Giu 21st, 2017 by admin

His Holiness the Dalai Lama speaking to school principals and teachers in Newport Beach, CA, USA on June 20, 2017. Photo by Jeremy Russell/OHHDL

Newport Beach, CA, USA – Anaheim city school principals and teachers, friends of Mayor Tom Tait came to meet His Holiness the Dalai Lama this morning. In his introduction to His Holiness Mayor Tait mentioned the positive change that the City of Kindness project, and participating in the One Million Acts of Kindness campaign, has brought to Anaheim’s schools. He recalled that when Ven Tenzin Dhonden heard about what they were doing, he brought Mayor Tait to meet His Holiness in Dharamsala, for which he thanked him.

Firstly, I very much appreciate this opportunity to meet with people who are actively involved in education,” His Holiness began. “Our common goal is to build a happier humanity. The greater part of this century is still ahead of us. I believe that if we start working now on this with a clear vision now, the later part of the century could be happier and more peaceful. Read the rest of this entry »

His Holiness the Dalai Lama Meeting with Members of Young Presidents’ Organization
Giu 20th, 2017 by admin

His Holiness the Dalai Lama with members of the Young Presidents’ Organization (YPO) in Newport Beach, CA, USA on June 19, 2017. Photo by Jeremy Russell/OHHDL

Newport Beach, CA, USA – After Tibetans and other well-wishers had gathered to see him off from San Diego this morning, His Holiness the Dalai Lama left early by road and made good time to Newport Beach. About 120 Tibetans, Vietnamese, Chinese and other friends, Anaheim Mayor Tom Tait principal among them, were on hand to welcome him.

The Tibetans had prepared the ‘chema changpu’ traditional welcome, from which the guest takes a pinch of tsampa and grain and tosses it in the air making propitious wishes before dipping a finger into a cup of chang. His Holiness did this and guided Mayor Tait in how to do it too. Read the rest of this entry »

His Holiness the Dalai Lama Meetings with Indians and Tibetans
Giu 19th, 2017 by admin

His Holiness the Dalai Lama with members of the Indian community during their meeting in San Diego, CA, USA on June 18, 2017. Photo by Jeremy Russell/OHHDL

San Diego, CA, USA – San Diego was barely stirring when His Holiness the Dalai Lama set out this morning to visit the San Diego Zoo. He was welcomed at the gate by Mayor Kevin Faulconer, his wife and President of the Zoo Douglas Meyers.

To begin with he was shown a short video outlining the important role the Zoo plays in conservation, both of species of animals and in some cases the plants on which they depend.

His Holiness rode in an electric buggy round the park from which he viewed various birds and animals. He was shown a Malayan tiger, a leopard, a lion and a cheetah among the big cats. He saw elephants being washed down and heard that San Diego is the destination of all the elephants in the USA when they retire. The Zoo looks after some very elderly elephants. Amongst the birds he saw condors, a peacock and hornbill, as well as a flock of flamingos. At one stop an Australian koala and a baby python were brought to him. Elsewhere he saw giraffes and rhinoceroses. Read the rest of this entry »

University of California San Diego Commencement
Giu 18th, 2017 by admin

San Diego, CA, USA – Early morning mist still hung over San Diego as His Holiness the Dalai Lama drove to the RIMAC Field, where he was received once again by University of California San Diego (UCSD) Chancellor Pradeep Khosla. Members of UCSD faculty and leadership were lined up to be introduced to him. Like them he donned the University gown and cap. There were cheers from the audience as he walked onto the stage. The commencement ceremony began with everyone standing for an acappella rendition of the National Anthem.

Chancellor Pradeep Khosla began by congratulating the class of 2017 and welcoming graduates, parents and the keynote speaker. He introduced His Holiness to the gathering, describing where he was born and his achievements adding that he was about to give him the UCSD medal, the University’s highest award. There was also a garland of flowers and a string of beads, but when he presented His Holiness with a UCSD Triton baseball visor and he put it on a loud cheer went up.

His Holiness began his address in his customary way: Respected elder brothers and sisters and mainly younger brothers and sisters, I’m extremely happy to participate in this—I don’t know the word—commencement. I first started to learn English in the 1940s, but it’s still pretty broken. As a Buddhist monk I felt that English wasn’t strictly necessary to reach Buddhahood and since my childhood I’ve tended to be a lazy student.

Meeting with young people like you I’m aware you are the future of humanity. And here and now at the beginning of the 21st century you have the opportunity and responsibility to create a better world, a happier world—a world without violence or the yawning gap between rich and poor. We older ones may not live to see it, but you will. Read the rest of this entry »

His Holiness the Dalai Lama in San Diego: Meeting with the Press and a Public Talk
Giu 17th, 2017 by admin


San Diego, CA, USA – Arriving at the University of California San Diego’s RIMAC Field Arena in the warm West Coast sunshine, His Holiness the Dalai Lama was welcomed by UCSD Chancellor Pradeep Khosla. Reputed television journalist Ann Curry then escorted him into a meeting with members of the media. She introduced him and asked if he would like to give his own preamble. “Wherever I go,” His Holiness began, “I feel I’m one of you, one of the 7 billion human beings alive today. We are physically, mentally and emotionally the same. From birth, we all want to live a happy life and that is our right. However, many of my friends share the view that our existing education systems are inadequate when it comes to preparing people to be more compassionate—one of the conditions for being happy. As a human brother I’m committed to letting people know that we all possess the seeds of love and compassion. However, having a smart brain is not enough; we also need a warm heart. Read the rest of this entry »

His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s Teachings for Tibetan Youth Conclude
Giu 10th, 2017 by admin

Thekchen Chöling, Dharamsala, HP, India – After storms in the night, the morning was cool as His Holiness the Dalai Lama walked through the yard to take his seat in the temple. He asked for the day’s debate demonstration to begin immediately and students from Sherab Gatsel Lobling School opened with a discussion of the awakening mind of bodhichitta.

Today we’ll read the ‘Commentary on the Awakening Mind’,” His Holiness began. “It starts by reviewing various different philosophical positions and towards the end deals with the conventional awakening mind that you have just been discussing. First, I’d like everyone to recite the ‘Praise to the Seventeen Nalanda Masters’.”

Introducing the texts he was going to read, His Holiness explained that the ‘Commentary on the Awakening Mind’ is short, but deals with the full range of the Buddha’s teachings. He said he’d chosen the second work, the ‘Thirty-seven Practices’ by the Bodhisattva Thogme Sangpo, as a model for daily practice.

His Holiness observed that another of Nagarjuna’s treatises, the ‘Jewel Garland’ distinguishes between practices that lead to high status or better rebirth and those that lead to liberation. Read the rest of this entry »

His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s 2° Day of Teachings for Tibetan Youth
Giu 7th, 2017 by admin

Second Day of Teachings for Tibetan Youth

Thekchen Chöling, Dharamsala, HP, India – To make an auspicious start to the second day of teachings for Tibetan youth, His Holiness the Dalai Lama requested the visiting group of about 60 Thai monks to recite the Mangala Sutta.

Students from classes 7, 8 and 9 at Upper TCV gave an energetic debate presentation discussing vowels and consonants. They were followed by a group of TCV staff who debated questions of science to which His Holiness listened intently.

Addressing the audience of 8200 people, including 2800 primarily Tibetan students and 1500 foreigners from 71 countries, His Holiness spoke of the Nalanda tradition, its inner values and the stress it puts on employing logic and reason as assets to be put to the service of all humanity.

This is something worth trying,” he said. “We may feel at peace here, but elsewhere murderous violence has broken out. There have been the recent savage attacks in Britain and in other places millions are on the verge of starvation. In all of these crises human beings are involved. We need to remind ourselves that basic human nature is compassionate. We are open, friendly and cheerful as children, why do we become aggressive and violent when we grow up? Read the rest of this entry »

Annual Teachings for Tibetan Youth Begin at Thekchen Chöling
Giu 6th, 2017 by admin

Thekchen Chöling, Dharamsala, HP, India – Even at 8 o’clock it was hot in Dharamsala this morning. When His Holiness the Dalai Lama emerged from his residence he was met by costumed singers from TCV who escorted him to the Tsuglagkhang. The temple and its surrounding verandas were filled with young students. The monks who would normally have been sat there were assembled on one side of the yard down below.

After His Holiness had taken his seat on the throne a group of TCV students from class 3 upwards stood before him and fervently recited verses from Akya Yongzin’s ‘Compendium of Ways of Knowing’ by heart. They ended with a single verse prayer for His Holiness‘s long life. His Holiness smiled and told them:

I memorized this text myself when I was ten years old, so I was able to join in with you just now. It’s very important to know how the mind works. Peace of mind is not something that can be directed from outside. It needs to be approached from within. It’s because our minds tend to be unruly that we see problems in the world such as the shocking killing that is taking place and the growing gap between rich and poor. To tackle such problems we need a calm, disciplined mind.

Religious people pray for peace, but prayer alone is not enough, what will bring peace in the world is people cultivating peace of mind. As it is said, ‘Buddhas do not wash unwholesome deeds away with water, nor do they remove the sufferings of beings with their hands, neither do they transplant their own realization into others. Teaching the truth of suchness they liberate (beings)’. The Buddhas help us by revealing the truth.” Read the rest of this entry »

Cina: arrestati più di 40 tibetani durante proteste per diritti sull’acqua Continua a leggere: Cina: arrestati più di 40 tibetani durante proteste per diritti sull’acqua
Giu 5th, 2017 by admin

Le autorità della provincia cinese di Quinghai hanno arrestato più di quaranta tibetani a seguito di scontri, che hanno provocato decine di feriti, avvenuti tra la polizia e gli abitanti del villaggio per i diritti sull’acqua, riferiscono informatori tibetani.

Il primo giugno i tibetani del villaggio di Shitsa, nella contea autonoma di Huzhou (in cinese,Hualong) della prefettura di Tsoshar (Haidong), hanno chiesto spiegazioni alle autorità sui piani per deviare una via d’acqua che rifornisce il loro villaggio, al vicino villaggio di Tharga, i cui residenti sono perlopiù mussulmani di etnia Hui. Read the rest of this entry »

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