Il Dalai Lama: Mi potrei reincarnare solo dove c’è libertà.
Mag 31st, 2017 by admin

His Holiness Dalai Lama at Express Adda with Vandita Mishra, in New Delhi on Wednesday. EXPRESS PHOTO BY PRAVEEN KHANNA 24 05 2017.

Il Dalai Lama: inaccettabile che io possa reincarnarmi in un paese privo della libertà

Il 25 maggio, a New Delhi, ospite di Adda Express, un ramo operativo multimediale del gruppo editoriale Indian Express, il Dalai Lama ha dichiarato che sarebbe inaccettabile il riconoscimento della sua reincarnazione in un paese privo della libertà.

Rivolgendosi al folto pubblico presente il leader spirituale tibetano ha affermato che se la situazione in Tibet non cambierà morirà in India ma, non essendo necessario che il riconoscimento della reincarnazione avvenga nel paese in cui lascerà il corpo, un eventuale riconoscimento in un paese privo della libertà sarebbe inaccettabile. Sull’argomento della prosecuzione del suo lignaggio, il Dalai Lama ha ribadito che la decisione spetterà al popolo tibetano e che la questione sarà affrontata “in modo più approfondito” al compimento del suo 90° anno. Sulla legittimità del governo cinese ad avere voce in capitolo sul riconoscimento della reincarnazione, il leader tibetano ha detto sorridendo che “i comunisti cinesi devono anzitutto accettare il concetto di rinascita e quindi quello di reincarnazione. Devono inoltre provare una forte connessione morale con il lignaggio del Dalai Lama”. Read the rest of this entry »

Meeting with Students from the Emory University Summer Abroad Program
Mag 30th, 2017 by admin

Thekchen Chöling, Dharamsala, HP, India – His Holiness the Dalai Lama met with a group of students taking part in the Emory Tibetan Mind/Body Sciences Summer Abroad Program at his residence today. He greeted them warmly.

On a physical level, India has been my second home for the last 58 years,” he told them. “But on a mental level, since the age of 6 when I began to study, I have been immersed in ancient Indian knowledge. We are stateless refugees, but India is the source and home of what we know. And the freedom India has afforded us the opportunity to meet and get to know many different people, spiritual leaders and scientists among them. Read the rest of this entry »

Avalokiteshvara Empowerment at the Beginning of the Month of Saga Dawa
Mag 27th, 2017 by admin

His Holiness the Dalai Lama taking his seat on his arrival at the Main Tibetan Temple in Dharamsala, HP, India on May 27, 2017. Photo by Tenzin Choejor/OHHDL

Thekchen Chöling, Dharamsala, HP, India – The Tsuglagkhang, its surrounding areas and the yard below were filled with smiling faces, Tibetans’ and foreigners’, happy to see His Holiness the Dalai Lama. He took his seat on the throne and began the preparations he needed to complete to give an Avalokiteshvara empowerment.

Today is a special occasion,” he said, addressing the crowd, “linked to the collection of six-syllable mantras that we generally perform every year in this month that commemorates the Buddha’s enlightenment. We do this recitation for the benefit of all sentient beings, but especially those human beings on this earth disturbed by attachment and anger. As Shantideva says, we don’t want suffering, but we run after its causes—the disturbing emotions within us. The Buddha said, “Don’t commit unwholesome deeds, do virtue”. In general actions that result in happiness count as virtue. Those that result in the suffering of others are unwholesome. Read the rest of this entry »

Launch of Arun Shourie’s book ‘Two Saints’
Mag 27th, 2017 by admin

Alan Shourie, Fali Nariman and Shyam Saran enjoying a moment of laughter as His Holiness the Dalai Lama answers a question from the audience at the launch of “Two Saints” at the Indian International Centre in New Delhi, India on May 25, 2017. Photo by Tenzin Choejor/OHHDL

New Delhi, India – This afternoon, as His Holiness the Dalai Lama arrived at Delhi’s Indian International Centre in the sweltering heat, he was received by his old friend Dr Kapila Vatsyayan and his host, Arun Shourie. In the auditorium a representative of HarperCollins India introduced the occasion as the launch of Arun Shourie’s new book, ‘Two Saints’, which focuses on Ramakrishna Paramahansa and Ramana Maharshi.

In his preamble Arun Shourie praised His Holiness. He said that given that the number of Tibetans in exile is smaller than the population of Karol Bagh, the fact that Tibet is a matter of world concern is due to his efforts. He also noted with admiration that His Holiness takes the view that Buddhism must face facts. He states that where empirical observation contradicts scripture, the facts should prevail. Read the rest of this entry »

Indian Express Adda
Mag 25th, 2017 by admin

His Holiness the Dalai Lama speaking at an Indian Express Adda in New Delhi, India on May 24, 2017. Photo by Tenzin Choejor/OHHDL

New Delhi, India – His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s journey back to Delhi this morning was uneventful. After lunch he was invited to participate in an Indian Express Adda, an informal interaction with Anant Goenka, Executive Director and Vandita Mishra, National Opinions Editor of the Indian Express group. There were far more people wanting to be part of the audience than there were seats in the room. Many ended up sitting on the floor. Read the rest of this entry »

The Dalai Lama and the Shugden Schism
Mag 24th, 2017 by admin

The Dalai Lama and the Shugden Schism

The strange story of a 17th century feud and its relevance for Tibetan geopolitics today.

By M. A. Aldrich May 09, 2017

Most people were not surprised when the Chinese government roundly condemned the Dalai Lama’s visit to Ulaanbaatar in November 2016 as a “splittist” attempt to undermine Mongolia’s respect for Chinese sovereignty.  However, it was curious to later read similar denunciations on a website sponsored by monks and lay people that belong to the same monastic order as His Holiness. The criticism could come as a shock for those outsiders who assume that Tibetan Buddhists are united behind the Dalai Lama. Read the rest of this entry »

Seminar on ‘Social Justice and Dr BR Ambedkar’ May 23, 2017
Mag 24th, 2017 by admin

Sita Lakshmi, Chief of the News Bureau of the Bengaluru edition of the Times of India interviewing His Holiness the Dalai Lama in Bengaluru, Karnataka, India on May 23, 2017. Photo by Jeremy Russell/OHHDL

Bengaluru, Karnataka, India – His Holiness the Dalai Lama flew from Delhi to Bengaluru yesterday and was welcomed on arrival by Shri H Amjaneya, Minister for Social Welfare in the Karnataka Government. After a powerful thunderstorm last night, this morning the sky was clear and the sun shone as His Holiness drove to Dr Ambedkar Bhavan. The approach roads were lined with Tibetans, many of them young students, eager to catch a glimpse of him. His arrival was marked by spirited drumming. Accompanied by his fellow guests, Shri Mallikarjuna Kharge, Leader of the Congress Parliamentary Party, and an old friend, and Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah, he entered the 1200 seat auditorium which was filled to capacity. Read the rest of this entry »

Tibet: muore tra le fiamme il giovane monaco Jamyang Losel in Amdo
Mag 23rd, 2017 by admin

Jamyang Losel

22 maggio 2017. Jamyang Losel, un monaco tibetano di 22 anni, si è dato la morte con il fuoco il 18 maggio a Chengtsa, nella Prefettura Autonoma Tibetana di Huangnan, Regione dell’Amdo.

Il giovane monaco, appartenente al monastero di Jerteng, situato nel villaggio di Nangra, si è cosparso di benzina e si è dato fuoco attorno alla mezzanotte di giovedì scorso nelle vicinanze della Ruota di Preghiera di Chengtsa. Fonti tibetane hanno fatto sapere che Jamyang è deceduto a causa delle gravissime ustioni riportate. Le autorità cinesi hanno rifiutato di consegnare il corpo ai famigliari.

Sale a quattro il numero dei tibetani che si sono autoimmolati in Tibet nel 2017 in segno di protesta contro l’occupazione cinese. Sono 150 i tibetani che dal 2009 ad oggi sono ricorsi a questo gesto estremo e si sa con certezza che almeno 125 sono deceduti. Read the rest of this entry »

Macchine della verità per i quadri del CCP in Tibet Orientale per verificare la lealtà
Mag 22nd, 2017 by admin

I media di stato cinesi della tumultuosa regione tibetana di Kardze hanno riportato che, in una mossa bizzarra e draconiana, agli ufficiali del partito comunista del Tibet orientale, nella provincia di Sichuan, è stato chiesto di sottoporsi alla macchina della verità per testare la loro fedeltà al Partito. Read the rest of this entry »

Interaction with Students Focussed on Secular Ethics
Mag 20th, 2017 by admin

His Holiness the Dalai Lama speaking to a group of students at his residence in Dharamsala, HP, India on May 19, 2017. Photo by Tenzin Phuntsok/OHHDL

Thekchen Chöling, Dharamsala, HP, India – Three different groups of students met with His Holiness the Dalai Lama at his residence today. Ten from the University of Minnesota are taking a short course in Tibetan Medicine at the Men-tsee-khang. Twenty were from the University of Guelph, Canada, and are serving as volunteers within the Tibetan community in Dharamsala. They were joined by twenty-five students and staff from Tong Len a charitable trust whose vision is to support displaced Indian communities in the Kangra Valley, North India.  Read the rest of this entry »

Delegazione bipartisan USA in visita a Dharamsala. E’ un ragazzo di soli 16 anni l’ultimo autoimmolato in Tibet
Mag 13th, 2017 by admin

12 maggio 2017. Una delegazione parlamentare USA guidata dalla leader democratica di minoranza Nancy Pelosi e dal repubblicano Jim Sensenbrenner è stata ricevuta a Dharamsala dal Dalai Lama e da Lobsang Sangay, Primo Ministro dell’esecutivo tibetano in esilio

Gli otto membri della delegazione, che comprendeva i parlamentari Eliot Engel, Jim McGovern, Betty McCollum, Judy Chu, Joyce Beatty e Pramila Jayapal, sono arrivati a Dharamsala il giorno 9 maggio. Ricevuti dal Dalai Lama nella sua residenza, si sono poi recati presso la sede del governo tibetano in esilio e hanno visitato il Tibetan Children’s Village.

L’incontro dei membri del Congresso con il leader spirituale tibetano e i rappresentanti dell’Amministrazione Centrale Tibetana è culminato il 10 maggio, alla presenza di centinaia di tibetani festanti, con una grande cerimonia di benvenuto organizzata presso lo Tsuglakhan, il principale tempio di Dharamsala (nella foto). Nel suo discorso Nancy Pelosi, da anni vicina alle istanze del popolo tibetano, ha affermato che i membri della delegazione intendono adoperarsi per la ripresa del dialogo da anni interrotto tra il governo cinese e i rappresentanti del governo tibetano in esilio e battersi per la difesa dei diritti umani e dell’ambiente in Tibet. Read the rest of this entry »

US Congressional Delegation Given a Warm Welcome at Thekchen Chöling
Mag 12th, 2017 by admin

Members of the bipartisan US Congressional Delegation, His Holiness the Dalai Lama and President of the Central Tibetan Administration Dr Lobsang Sangay arriving at the Tsuglagkhang courtyard to attend a public reception in Dharamsala, HP, India on May 10, 2017. Photo by Tenzin Choejor/OHHDL

Thekchen Chöling, Dharamsala, HP, India – The yard before the Tsuglagkhang was packed with people today, mostly Tibetans, from all walks of life, eager to greet a US Bipartisan Congressional Delegation led by Representatives Nancy Pelosi and Jim Sensenbrenner. The delegation arrived for a two day visit yesterday. They met His Holiness the Dalai Lama and had lunch with him. In the afternoon they visited the Tibetan Children’s Village School and later met with the Kashag and leaders from among Tibetan Women. In the evening they were invited to dinner by the Central Tibetan Administration and were entertained at the Tibetan Institute of Performing Arts (TIPA). Read the rest of this entry »

Cina: arrestati più di 40 tibetani durante proteste per diritti sull’acqua.
Mag 10th, 2017 by admin

Le autorità della provincia cinese di Quinghai hanno arrestato più di quaranta tibetani a seguito di scontri, che hanno provocato decine di feriti, avvenuti tra la polizia e gli abitanti del villaggio per i diritti sull’acqua, riferiscono informatori tibetani.

Il primo giugno i tibetani del villaggio di Shitsa, nella contea autonoma di Huzhou (in cinese,Hualong) della prefettura di Tsoshar (Haidong), hanno chiesto spiegazioni alle autorità sui piani per deviare una via d’acqua che rifornisce il loro villaggio, al vicino villaggio di Tharga, i cui residenti sono perlopiù mussulmani di etnia Hui. Read the rest of this entry »

Funzionari del Partito Comunista Cinese accusati di aver finanziato il Dalai Lama. Ultim’ora: un nuovo caso di autoimmolazione in Tibet.
Mag 5th, 2017 by admin

4 maggio 2017. Il capo della Commissione Disciplinare del Partito Comunista cinese all’interno della cosiddetta Regione Autonoma Tibetana ha accusato alcuni alti funzionari del Partito di avere fornito aiuti finanziari al Dalai Lama.

Senza rendere pubblici i nomi degli accusati e senza specificare se i funzionari in questione siano di etnia tibetana o han, Wang Yongjun ha dichiarato che alcuni membri del Partito “sono venuti meno ai propri obblighi e hanno messo a repentaglio la lotta anti separatista in atto nel paese”. Li ha inoltre beffeggiati accusandoli di “avere perduto la loro integrità politica e di avere completamente dimenticato la disciplina di Partito”. “Alcuni hanno persino fornito aiuti finanziari alla cricca del Dalai Lama, hanno aderito a gruppi clandestini secessionisti e fornito informazioni ad organizzazioni straniere”. Read the rest of this entry »

Thupten Jinpa, Voice for Compassion
Mag 4th, 2017 by admin

Six-year-old Thupten Jinpa once held the Dalai Lama’s hand during a school visit. In 1985, His Holiness asked Jinpa to be his principal English translator, which he has been ever since.

Thupten Jinpa, Voice for Compassion

By Lindsay Kyte, May 3, 2017

Thupten Jinpa is best known as the Dalai Lama’s translator, but this Buddhist Renaissance man has many roles—scholar, author, and leader in the dialogue between science and Buddhism. Driving them all, says Lindsay Kyte, is his mission to help us all be more compassionate.

My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness.” His Holiness the Dalai Lama

It’s in the teachings of my own Tibetan Buddhist tradition where I find many of the tools that help me navigate the challenges of everyday living in the contemporary world,” says scholar and translator Thupten Jinpa. Read the rest of this entry »

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