Il Karmapa Lama: La verità verrà a galla, l’inchiesta non ci preoccupa.
Febbraio 4th, 2011 by admin

Sua Santità Gyalwa Karmapa Ogyen Trinley Dorje
Sua Santità Gyalwa Karmapa Ogyen Trinley Dorje

Migliaia di persone marciano a sostegno della terza carica spirituale del buddismo tibetano, rifiutando fermamente l’accusa che “è una spia di Pechino”. Il deciso sostegno della popolazione e del governo in esilio dopo il raid che ha trovato delle offerte in moneta cinese nel monastero dove vive. Il Dalai Lama ha in proposito dichiarato: “Il Karmapa ha molti devoti, anche dalla Cina. Naturalmente può aver ricevuto delle donazioni. Ci possono essere state delle negligenze. E’ ora meglio fare una indagine approfondita“.Riportiamo, tradotto in italiano, il Comunicato ufficiale del Parlamento Tibetano in esilio su Gyalwang Karmapa ed una recente dichiarazione dello stesso Karmapa. Nonostante lo scandalo che ha colpito il proprio monastero, il Karmapa Lama “è tranquillo, calmo e sereno. Incoraggia tutti noi a seguire il suo esempio e a non reagire alle accuse di corruzione e di spionaggio a favore della Cina. Sa che la verità verrà a galla e crede nel sistema e nel governo indiano. Ora chiede a tutti i suoi sostenitori di rimanere tranquilli e di non fare gesti inconsulti”. Lo dice ad AsiaNews Deki Chungyalpa, portavoce della terza carica spirituale del buddismo tibetano, ai margini della grande manifestazione popolare a sostegno del giovane Karmapa. I fedeli si sono riuniti per protestare contro l’inchiesta avvenuta la scorsa settimana nel monastero di Gyuto, residenza ufficiale del lama. Le autorità indiane hanno sequestrato valuta indiana e straniera per circa 560mila euro. Il denaro era nascosto in sei valige nella stanza di Shakti Lama, che è il braccio destro del 17esimo Karmapa, noto come il “Lama dal Cappello Nero” e visto come uno dei probabili candidati alla guida dei tibetani dopo la morte del Dalai Lama. Penpa Tsering, presidente del Parlamento tibetano in esilio, dice ad AsiaNews: “Personalmente non ho collegamenti con l’istituzione del Karmapa, ma dal mio punto di vista lui non ha nulla a che fare con questa storia. Poi non so se ci sono persone attorno a lui, che usano il suo nome e commettono atti illeciti; ma sono sicuro che lui è innocente al 100 per cento”. Come tibetano, riprende il politico, “per me il Karmapa è un’altra incarnazione di un grande lama, e quindi lo rispetto molto. La sua casa non è nelle vicinanze, si trova nel monastero di Gyuto a Dharamsala. Questa è una brutta notizia, e l’ho saputo dai media. Ma come persona e come leader religioso, il Karmapa è innocente. Non ho dubbi”.

Il Karmapa Lama è il terzo in ordine di importanza nella gerarchia religiosa – e politica – del Tibet. Prima di lui vengono il Dalai Lama e il Panchen Lama: i tre sono interconnessi anche da un punto di vista dinastico, dato che ognuno è incaricato (da secoli) di riconoscere la rinascita dell’altro.La Cina vuole interrompere questa linea dinastica, e ha già fatto rapire il vero Panchen Lama sostituendolo con un altro di nomina politica.

Alla morte del Dalai Lama i tibetani ritengono che debba essere il Karmapa a guidare la comunità in esilio fino alla rinascita e al riconoscimento del prossimo Dalai. Questa inchiesta tenta di screditarlo, dato che per il diritto tibetano gli alti lama rispondono in prima persona delle gesta dei propri assistenti.

Subito dopo il raid, alcuni organi di stampa hanno fatto circolare la voce che il lama sia “una spia di Pechino”, collegandola alla rocambolesca fuga del ragazzo dal Tibet per raggiungere il governo tibetano in esilio a Dharamsala e il Dalai Lama. La voce, spiega il portavoce, “non ha senso. Proprio per la sua incolumità, c’è sempre qualcuno insieme al Karmapa Lama. Personale di sicurezza, membri del governo, monaci: è impossibile anche soltanto pensare che possa essere una spia”.

La stessa posizione è stata espressa dai sostenitori, che hanno marciato 20 chilometri gridando “non è una spia, non è una spia”. Fra questi c’erano i maggiori gruppi della diaspora tibetana: il Congresso dei giovani tibetani, l’Associazione femminile del Tibet, il movimento Gu Chu Sum, il Partito democratico nazionale e gli Studenti per il Tibet libero. Anche 7 membri del governo in esilio, più il vice presidente della Camera, erano presenti sul palco da dove il Karmapa ha parlato alla folla.

Ai propri sostenitori, infatti, il monaco ha detto: “L’India è una seconda casa per i tibetani: qui abbiamo trovato un rifugio e un riparo. Al contrario della Cina comunista, l’India è un Paese libero e democratico basato sullo stato di diritto. Quindi credo che le cose miglioreranno e la verità verrà a galla. Quindi, per favore, calmatevi: non c’è bisogno di preoccuparsi”.  (di Nirmala Carvalho AsiaNews)

Comunicato del Parlamento Tibetano in esilio su Gyalwang Karmapa

Ringraziamo i giornalisti dei servizi radio tibetani e gli altri mezzi di comunicazione per essere presenti oggi a questa conferenza stampa.

A noi sembra siano state avanzate parecchie congetture sulla società tibetana in relazione alla situazione che si è creata nel Monastero di Gyuto residenza del 17° Gyalwang Karmapa, Ogyen Trinley Dorje.

È importante rilevare che noi non siamo a conoscenza delle notizie che possono essere giunte all’interno del Tibet. Per questo motivo abbiamo organizzato questa conferenza pubblica con i corrispondenti dei mezzi di comunicazione tibetani.

La Commissione Parlamentare, venuta a conoscenza dei fatti ieri accaduti, ha espresso la sua più viva attenzione alla riunione dei suoi membri il 28 gennaio. Abbiamo discusso di come la questione può aver avuto origine e siamo subito stati d’accordo di chiedere un’udienza con Gyalwang Karmapa. Nel caso questo non fosse immediatamente possibile abbiamo chiesto di incontrare alti membri della dirigenza del monastero per avere chiarimenti sull’accaduto. Abbiamo incontrato il portavoce Penpa Tsering accompagnato da Geshe Thubten Phelgye, Geshe Monlam Tharchin e LoponSonam Tenphel del comitato dirigente alle ore 15,30.

Molti giornalisti erano presenti nel monastero. Parlammo prima con il comitato ufficiale poi in udienza direttamente con Gyalwang Karmapa: lo abbiamo trovato molto tranquillo e ci ha assicurato di non aver nulla a che fare con qualsiasi errore commesso. Abbiamo a Lui espresso la nostra più viva attenzione per l’accaduto e la nostra più attenta collaborazione nel caso queste notizie possano nuocere e gettare discredito sulla figura di Gyalwang Karmapa.

Il nostro obbiettivo è di dimostrargli la nostra più viva solidarietà.

Durante l’udienza il Karmapa ci ha informato di non essere a conoscenza dell’accaduto in quanto lui non interferisce in queste questioni, i suoi più stretti collaboratori hanno confermato questa posizione, noi ne siamo certi.

Nei nostri monasteri esiste un sistema di controllo delle offerte in base al quale possiamo fornire chiare informazioni sull’ammontare del denaro. Noi possiamo chiaramente dimostrare e dire da dove provengono le offerte di devoti e seguaci. Dal momento che i giornalisti indiani mostravano seri dubbi su ciò, abbiamo avuto modo di chiarire questa posizione.

Abbiamo senza dubbio dimostrato che l’accusa a Gyalwang Karmapa di essere un”agente del governo cinese” e di essere in possesso “ di denaro ricevuto in modo illegale” è totalmente falsa.

Per mezzo di questa conferenza vogliamo informare di questo il popolo tibetano che vive all’interno del Tibet.

Per quanto riguarda il G.Karmapa:egli mise la sua vita in pericolo fuggendo in giovane età dal Tibet.

Per tutto il tempo in cui è vissuto al Monastero di Gyuto egli ha dovuto vivere sotto il controllo della security indiana e non è mai stato libero di muoversi come desiderava, questa è la realtà dei fatti che noi tutti conosciamo.

Tutti i suoi programmi sono stati sottoposti alla supervisione del governo indiano.

Tutti quelli che vogliono avere un’udienza con lui devono prima ottenere il permesso delle autorità di polizia indiane. Anche noi siamo stati controllati prima del suo incontro ieri. Non c’è motivo di protestare perché la sicurezza indiana fa il suo dovere, ma d’altra parte la polizia è a conoscenza di ogni offerta fatta a G.Karmapa non c’è nulla che essi non conoscano a questo proposito.

Data la notevole importanza del lignaggio del Karmapa molti seguaci e devoti vengono a fargli visita da Singapore, Thailandia, Occidente e Tibet e gli fanno offerte. Nella nostra società è uno dei capi spirituali della Scuola Buddhista molto rispettata e onorata dal popolo tibetano.

Egli personalmente si è dedicato a studi spirituali, promozione della cultura buddhista, pace nel mondo, protezione dell’ambiente, è stato di grande aiuto alla causa spirituale e politica del Tibet.

Non c’è assolutamente alcun dubbio che le accuse siano infondate, questo deve essere messo in chiaro.

Per quanto riguarda la gestione delle finanze del monastero, G.Karmapa non è assolutamente a conoscenza delle offerte a lui fatte, semplicemente “non interferisco con questo argomento” come ci ha detto ieri. Lo staff amministrativo si occupa di tutto ciò. La mancanza di conoscenze riguardo alle procedure legali per la gestione corretta del denaro può aver causato errori.. Noi rispettiamo i risultati dell’inchiesta in corso per accertare i fatti da parte del governo indiano. D’altra parte l’atteggiamento accusatorio verso il G Karmapa è assolutamente infondato.

L’Amministrazione Centrale Tibetana e il Kashag stanno facendo ogni sforzo per fare qualsiasi cosa sia necessaria per cooperare con G.Karmapa. Anche il Parlamento del Governo Tibetano in Esilio vuole fermamente che sia fatta luce sui fatti e darà il suo pieno appoggio perché ogni cosa sia chiarita.

Dharamsala 30 gennaio 2011.

Posizione ufficiale del Karmapa

Cari amici di Dharma,

siete a conoscenza che il governo indiano sta conducendo un’indagine riguardante le finanze dell’ufficio di Sua Santità il 17° Gyalwang Karmapa, Ogyen Trinley Dorje. Voi potete aver letto

di nuovi svolgimenti delle investigazioni, che hanno incluso un’ispezione negli uffici di SS. presso

il monastero di Gyuto a Sidbhari in india e l’arresto di molte persone impiegate nell’amministrazione dell’ufficio di SS..

Sua Santità il Karmapa è stato interrogato, ma non fermato,ed il suo segretario personale Gonpo

Tsering è stato pure interrogato come informato dell’attività investigativa.

Sua Santità non è allarmato da questi recenti avvenimenti, ed ha garantito la sua piena collaborazione al governo indiano.

Come voi potete aver notato, nella lettura delle notizie riportate da internet, le notizie riportate dalla stampa indiana, risultano una mescolanza di fatti e congetture: è molto difficile farsi un quadro chiaro della situazione basandosi su queste informazioni.

E’ nostra intenzione farvi conoscere la posizione ufficiale dell’ufficio di Sua Santità a proposito

di questa indagine e vi invitiamo a seguire tutte le informazioni aggiornate che vengono date sullo svolgimento di questa indagine.

L’aggiornamento dello svolgimento ufficiale dell’indagine dall’ufficio di SS. può essere trovato in molti siti web : il sito dell’Ufficio Kagyu e

inoltre potete leggere la risposta ufficiale del Governo tibetano in Esilio

Potete essere sicuri che questi siti garantiranno l’aggiornamento dello svolgimento dei fatti direttamente dall’ufficio di Sua Santità.

Nel momento stesso in cui avremo nuove informazioni ci premureremo di renderle immediatamente pubbliche.

Nello stesso tempo i seguaci di Sua Santità, seguendo l’esempio di Sua Santità stesso, vi pregano

di rimanere calmi e di continuare con le vostre pratiche giornaliere di Dharma.

Se potete essere di aiuto non esitate a contattarci.

Potete indirizzare le vostre email a Sandy Hu coordinatore del KTC

Con preghiere e saluti.

Statement from Karmapa Office of Administration

3 February, 2011. Dharamsala

The Karmapa Office of Administration adamantly denies the baseless fabrications touted by some media claiming that His Holiness the Karmapa is a Chinese spy or agent. Specifically, reports have circulated recently claiming that His Holiness the Karmapa has acquired lands along the Sino-Indian border. We state categorically that His Holiness owns no such property whatsoever, nor does the Karmapa Office of Administration. Additionally, some reports cite an unnamed source claiming that the Enforcement Directorate seized Chinese SIM cards and possess records of conversations between His Holiness the Karmapa and Chinese government officials. Such inaccurate reports constitute fiction masquerading as journalism and slander one of the most highly revered figures in Tibetan Buddhism. Therefore, the Karmapa Office of Administration respectfully requests these media sources to cease and desist its defamation of character of His Holiness the Karmapa.

We reiterate that the presence of Chinese Yuan among the 20-plus other currencies found by police has been put forward by some media stories as indicative of spy activity. In response to this preposterous claim, we wish to point out that the currency used in Tibet is the Chinese Yuan, and therefore Tibetans from Tibet often make donations in Yuan, as do Buddhists from mainland China. We further stress that the donations in Yuan formed less than 10% of the total cash amount. The notes came in multiple denominations, ranging from one-Yuan notes upward, clearly reflecting their origin as donation from multiple individual sources. Some of the Yuan were new notes bundled together, reflecting a practice among Chinese and other cultures of offering only new currency notes to high abbots or spiritual leaders. Furthermore, disciples from Chinese cultures often visit India in groups, pool their offerings and make a single collective donation. The Karmapa Office of administration maintains records of all visitors who receive private audience with His Holiness the Karmapa, and these lists record numerous groups of individuals visiting together from Tibet as well as from mainland China.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama has publicly expressed his confidence in His Holiness the Karmapa. The Tibetan government itself unequivocally demonstrated its support of His Holiness the Karmapa, who is the revered head of a 900-year old order within Tibetan Buddhism. Members of groups across Tibetan society have voiced unwavering support for His Holiness the Karmapa. His Holiness himself stated yesterday in public that he had faith in the Indian rule of law and that the truth will prevail in time. He emphasized that India is a second homeland to Tibetans.

Statement from Karmapa Office of Administration

1 February, 2011. Dharamsala

We would like to categorically state again that the allegations being levelled against His Holiness the Karmapa and his administration are grossly speculative and without any foundation in the truth whatsoever.

We can confirm that under 5 Crores (USD 1 million) was taken by the authorities from the Monastery. This sum represents unsolicited donations that have been made by the followers of His Holiness the Karmapa from around the world to enable the substantial social and spiritual programmes of the Karma Kagyu order. Our administration has sought to acquire clearance since 2002 to deposit cash donations under the Foreign Currencies Regulation Act of India. Until the necessary permissions are granted, the Monastery diligently recorded and stored the currency on its own premises. We are currently in the process of providing this evidence to the authorities.

As for the Chinese currency, we would like to stress that His Holiness the Karmapa has a large and devoted following of Tibetans from Tibet and of Buddhists from the Chinese mainland who make offerings in the Yuan. The Yuan found constitutes less than 10% of the cash in question, which included currency from over 20 countries. Moreover, the Yuan seized by police include notes ranging from 1 Yuan to larger denominations, clearly indicating that they come from multiple, individual sources.

It is also important to underscore that the Karmapa Office of Administration was formed to allow the Karmapas to devote their time and energy to their roles as spiritual leaders. The Office manages all the worldly affairs of His Holiness the Karmapa, including handling the donations and administering the finances. In this way, His Holiness the Karmapa is left free to fulfil his solemn duties as spiritual guide to a large, respected Buddhist order.

We are glad to notice that the media and public no longer pays credence to the allegations that His Holiness the Karmapa maintains links with arms of the Chinese Government to counteract the Free Tibet Movement and associated causes. His Holiness the Dalai Lama furnished the final word on this issue when he underlined that this allegation was absolutely false, that he knew His Holiness the Karmapa to be an exceptionally devout and spiritual man and that our order would be exonerated of all allegations and charges by this any kind of investigation or probe. His Holiness the Karmapa is very grateful for the refuge given to him by the people and Government of India, and has nothing but the best interests at heart for the country that is the home of his faith and that has allowed him to practice his faith freely for many years.

Regarding allegations of improper land deals, His Holiness the Karmapa has been hosted in a temporary residence in Dharamsala since 2000. As the premises belong to another Tibetan Buddhist order, the Karmae Garchen Trust has sought to purchase land and build a new residence and monastery since 2007. When the Trust identified suitable land in 2010, it informed the office of the District Collector of Dharamsala and sought their approval to proceed with the purchase. The application was accompanied by a strong letter of support from the Central Tibetan Administration of His Holiness the Dalai Lama. The trust obtained both an ‘essentiality certificate’ and a ‘no-objection certificate’ from the Town and Country Planning Department of the Himachal Pradesh Government, indicating state government approval to proceed with the plans for purchase.
Mr. Ashutosh and Mr. Sanjay, the two men arrested for carrying INR 1 Crore, were acting on behalf of the seller of this land. The money they were carrying was partial payment for this land that had received all necessary preliminary approvals from relevant Government Departments. The seller of the land had insisted on payment in cash. Acquiring capital assets through cash payments is perfectly legal in India. The order had received this cash in the form of donations primarily at the yearend puja in Bodh Gaya, Bihar.
Finally, we would like to thank the many thousands of individuals across the world who have come out to express their solidarity with His Holiness the Karmapa and our order through peaceful candlelight vigils, sympathetic messages on the web, and their prayers.
We will continue to supply as much information as is available and as regularly as possible. However, our first priority remains to cooperate fully with the investigations underway.

For press inquiries:


Karma Topden
Former Indian Ambassador to Mongolia,
Former Member of Parliament
Adviser to Karmapa Office of Administration

Deki Chungyalpa
Adviser to Karmapa Office of Administration
(91) 8894 502 910

January 29, 2011. Dharamsala

We would like to categorically state that the allegations being levelled against the Karmapa and his administration are grossly speculative and without foundation in the truth. Everyone who knows the history of our lineage, our struggle and His Holiness’ life is very surprised by the allegations.

We categorically deny having any link whatsoever with any arm of the Chinese Government. The Karmapa has a deep affection for the people of this great country of India where he has been practicing his faith for years. We have had a long and positive working relationship with the democratic Government of India that has always demonstrated great tolerance of cultural expression and diverse beliefs.

We have followers in a large number of countries who have placed their trust and faith in us and, through their individual donations, enabled the sect to undertake substantial programmes of public service that have benefitted many thousands in India and abroad.

Monasteries across the world accept offerings from devotees in various forms-there is nothing surprising, new or irregular in this. . A representative of HH the Dalai Lama’s office underlined this yesterday. The cash in question under the current investigation by the police is offerings received for charitable purposes from local and international disciples from many different countries wishing to support His Holiness’ various charitable activities. Any suggestion that these offerings were to be used for illegal purposes is libellous.

At this point, about the Chinese currency we can say that his Holiness has a large following of Tibetans from Tibet who make donations in Chinese currency. The fact is that His Holiness the Karmapa has millions of followers around the world, who hold him in the highest esteem and reverence. All our dealings across the world are honest and completely transparent-anything else would be contrary to the Buddhist principals that we live by.

Because the Gyalwang Karmapa resides in temporary quarters in Dharamsala, his Office of Administration has been seeking to build a monastery as a permanent residence for His Holiness. This project is clearly subject to Indian government approval. The Gyalwang Karmapa’s office has kept the relevant Indian government agencies fully informed of its recent plans to purchase suitable land. The potential site was evaluated and cleared by the appropriate governmental offices. The negotiations to purchase the land are still in progress, have been reported to the Indian authorities, and are completely above board.

I can confirm that Shakti Lama was taken into custody yesterday but we are confident of his release very shortly, as soon as we provide the law with the answers they are looking for. I can also confirm that HH the Karmapa has made himself fully available for questioning by the officers concerned.

We will supply as much information as available, as regularly as possible but would also like to state that our first priority is to cooperate fully with the investigations underway.

Issued by Karmapa Office of Administration
Dharamsala, HP

Kagyu Office Announcement

January 28, 2011

Our lineage and His Holiness the Karmapa enjoy the love, trust and faith of millions across the world.  We have a rich history of public service made possible through financial dealings that are entirely transparent.  We will certainly answer all questions that the press and the public have, but for now we respectfully request you to allow us to concentrate on complying fully with the investigation that is underway.

Karma Chungyalpa

Dy. General Secretary and Spokesperson,
Karmapa Office of Administration

Karmapa money trail: Dalai Lama backs probe into ‘possible negligence’

Dharamsala, Bangalore: With the Karmapa money trail and its suspected links to China casting a shadow over the Tibetan religious leader, His Holiness the Dalai Lama today came out in support of a “thorough investigation” into the incident.
But the Tibetan spiritual head was cautious, claiming that the cash recovered from the Karmapa’s accountant could have been a result of negligence. “Karmapa has many devotees including from China…some money would have naturally been received by him…there has been some negligence…better now have a thorough investigation”, Dalai Lama said. The Karmapa, meanwhile, was subjected to a second round of questioning today by a team of Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) and Intelligence Bureau (IB) officials at the Gyoto Monastery at Sidhbari. The third-ranked spiritual leader feigned complete ignorance about the foreign currency and other documents recovered from there. According to sources, the probe agencies are focusing on two crucial aspects. First up, why was there so much contact with China. The suspicion is based on the fact that Beijing never really opposed the 25-year-old Karmapa who turned up mysteriously in India in the winter of 2000, saying he had fled Chinese harassment. The second line of investigation is property which is what the cash was meant for, according to Karmapa’s supporters.
The police had earlier in the day arrested an hotelier in Dharamsala named K P Bhardawaj in connection with the seizure of foreign currency worth over Rs. 7.5 crore from the offices of a trust backed by the Karmapa who is suspected of planning to set up China-friendly institutions across the Himalayan region. (
Read: Police detain hotelier in Dharamsala)
Speaking to NDTV, K G Kapoor, Assistant Superintendent of Police of Una said, “He (hotelier) has told that the accounting section is responsible for money matters and Karmapa has no role to play.” A spokesman for the Karmapa denied any Chinese links and described the allegation against him and his administration as “grossly speculative and without foundation”. The Karmapa’s office says every single penny they received came through donations and is well accounted for. But it’s the Foreign Currency Regulation Act (FCRA) which is restricting the monastery from depositing the foreign currency in banks.

Il commento del Dalai Lama:

Centre investigating the seizures at Karmapa’s residence: Himachal CM Phayul[Tuesday, February 01, 2011 20:52] Dharamsala, Feb 1: Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister P K Dhumal Tuesday said the state government has nothing to do with the issue of seizure of foreign currency from a transit home of the 17th Karmapa Ugyen Trinley Dorje, saying the matter was being investigated by the centre.
“As far as the issue (Karmapa) is concerned, people from the Central Government have come and confiscated the hard disk and other materials. They will let us know the contents after examining them. We cannot say anything now,” PTI quoted Dhuman as telling reporters on the sidelines of the “chief ministers’ conference on internal security” in New Delhi. The state chief minister was asked to comment on the issue of foreign currency being seized from the transit home of the Karmapa Lama. Police have so far arrested five Indians, including an employee of the Karmapa administration, in connection with the seizure and raided several places in the state and Delhi. During questioning, Karmapa had denied any involvement in the speculative allegations raised by Indian media. Media reports said it was the second time the Tibetan spiritual leader was questioned since the raids began. Karmapa’s office had also maintained that Karmapa had nothing to do with currency. The office said the money was received by way of offerings and donations from disciples across the world, including China and Tibet Mr Dhumal also reportedly asked the Centre to reimburse the expenses being incurred by the state government over the security of the exiled Tibetan leader His Holiness the Dalai Lama and the Karmapa Lama. “At present only a small part of the expenditure is being reimbursed by the Ministry of External Affairs in case of the Dalai Lama while the entire expenditure of the security of Karmapa is being borne by the state government,” he said. Mr Dhumal also reportedly told the chief ministers’ conference on internal security here that he has asked the prime minister to clarify whether the Tibetans were ‘exiles or our guests’. “The state government will set up Tibetan Refugee Unit (TR Unit) in state intelligence department to effectively monitor activities of 27,542 Tibetan refugees living in the state,” he said, according to a statement from Himachal Bhawan.
Dhumal also said the state government will set up Tibetan Refugge Cell at Dharamshala in consultation with the Ministry of Home Affairs and Ministry of External Affairs.
The refugee unit would be set up in consultation with the union ministries of home affairs and external affairs, the official statement said. An Enforcement Directorate (ED) team on Tuesday reached the Gyuto Tantric Monastic University near Dharamsala where Karmapa Ugyen Thinley Dorje has temporarily been residing since he left Chinese-occupied Tibet and escaped into India 2000. Police and revenue officials were questioning the Karmapa Lama, and his aides about the source of the huge haul of cash recovered from the monastery.’s+residence%3a+Himachal+CM

The Karmapa story: Right intentions, bad accounting

The young, extremely bright Karmapa should teach his staff proper accounting ways, advises Claude Arpi

It made headlines for ‘news breaking’ channels when the Himachal Pradesh police seized foreign and Indian currency worth Rs 4-5 crore, stuffed in four large metal boxes, from a room of the Gyuto Monastery, the seat of Ugyen Trinley Dorje, the seventeenth Karmapa. The monastery is located near Dharamsala, the seat of the Dalai Lama and his Tibetan government-in-exile. Shakti Lama, a person working in the monastery, was arrested following the police raids which came a day after Rs 1 crore in cash was found in a vehicle intercepted in Una district bordering Himachal Pradesh (a Dharamsala-based businessman, KP Bhardwaj, has been arrested in connection with the cash and an alleged land deal with the Karmapa’s Trust). Soon after the raids, HP Director General of Police DS Manhas declared, “The police have nothing to say about the institution. We are only concerned about the illegal cash recovered after the searches.” Because the currency notes seized from the monastery were from nearly 20 countries, including China, the media started speculating, “Is the Dalai Lama’s successor a Chinese agent in India?” According to some reports, the 26-year-old spiritual head of the Karma Kagyu sect, had spent large amounts of money last year on the people affected by the cloudburst in Leh and landslides in Himachal Pradesh. The media immediately extrapolated that the Karmapa was a Chinese agent trying to spread China’s influence in the Himalayan belt. One report said that ‘Delhi’ (who is Delhi?) sees this “as part of a plan to spread Chinese influence in the Indian Himalayan region much the same way as Beijing has done in districts along the India-Nepal border where the Chinese have opened 17 China study centres.” In the meantime, the Karmapa’s office issued a statement refuting allegations about the China link, terming them ‘grossly speculative’. “We would like to categorically state that the allegations being leveled against the Karmapa and his administration are grossly speculative and without foundation in the truth. We categorically deny having any link whatsoever with any arm of the Chinese government,” said the statement. The office of the Karmapa explained that the cash was “offerings received for charitable purposes from local and international disciples the world over. Monasteries across the world receive offering from devotees in various forms. There is nothing surprising, new or irregular in this.” The cash found in the monastery probably partially comes from donations/offerings received during the celebrations to mark the 900th year of the birth of Dusum Khyenpa, the first Karmapa: “Nine hundred years ago, amidst the snow-capped peaks of eastern Tibet, there was born a spiritual master whose compassion for beings would shape the future of Buddhism in Tibet. This great being was the First Karmapa, Dusum Khyenpa, who instituted the practice of intentionally reincarnating in a way that disciples could recognise him.” Ugyen Trinley, the successor of Dusum Khyenpa, presided over the two-day celebration held in Bodh Gaya, attended by thousands of followers from India, Tibet, China and the West. The statement added, “Any suggestion that these offerings were to be used for illegal purposes is libellous. All our dealings across the world are honest and completely transparent, anything else would be contrary to the Buddhist principles that we live by.” However, were proper accounting procedures followed? Were the monks aware of the intricacies of the Foreign Exchange Management Act? Probably not. One explanation for this huge amount of cash is that since January 2000, the Karmapa has been temporarily accommodated on the top floor of the Gyuto Tantric Monastic University near Dharamsala. The Tibetan government-in-exile admits that the Gyuto monastery was in the process of acquiring a piece of land at Sidhabari to build a new monastery. A Tibetan official told the press: “For this, the Himachal Pradesh government was also approached to get clearances.” The problem is that it is practically impossible for non-state subjects of Himachal Pradesh to purchase land in the hilly state. Was the Karmapa’s office planning to use these ‘offerings’ to get this piece of land? It is possible. Penpa Tsering, speaker of the Tibetan parliament-in-exile, told the press, “I think all this happened mainly because people don’t know the law. It is not like we are doing this because we want to break the law. Many people send large amounts of money to the Lama as a token of respect. If anybody is trying to talk of any conspiracy, it is totally unwarranted”. The speaker of the Tibetan Parliament also said: “there is no basis of media speculations linking the Karmapa Lama with the Chinese government”. The lack of knowledge in accounting is in itself a serious offence, but it does not imply that the young Lama is a Chinese agent. Everyone remembers how the 15-year old Karmapa, in a Bollywood-type escape, reached Dharamsala in January 2000 after crossing the highest Himalayan passes in the midst of winter. The Indian government was initially reluctant to grant him refugee status. At that time, some believed that he had been ‘planted’ by the Chinese government to create confusion over the Sikkim issue (Beijing ‘recognised’ the state as a part of India only a few years later). Things became more complicated when a dispute erupted with another ‘Karmapa’ claiming the throne of Rumtek monastery in Sikkim. The previous Karmapa, 16th of the lineage, was one of the most revered Lamas of his generation. A powerful yogi, he impressed all those who approached him with his profound wisdom and an aura of strength and peace.
When he passed away in 1981, he left his monastery of Rumtek in Sikkim as well as hundreds of Dharma centres in India and abroad in the hands of four regents who were to provide spiritual guidance to the Karmapa’s followers, until his ‘return’.
When Situ Rinpoche, one of the regents, discovered a letter of prediction said to have been written by the old Karmapa prophesying his rebirth in eastern Tibet and giving the time of birth and the name of his parents, a dispute erupted between Situ and another regent, Shamar Rinpoche, who did not approve of Ugyen Trinley Dorje’s selection.
The bitterness between the Rumtek regents took an ugly turn in 1992-93, when serious law and order problems occurred on a few occasions and a petition was filed in the Sikkim high court praying for an injunction to stop the recognition of the 17th Karmapa. More infighting was reported in 1994 when Shamar enthroned his own Karmapa, Thaye Dorjee.
In the meantime, after conducting the necessary tests, the Dalai Lama gave his seal of approval to Ugyen Trinley Dorje. About the same time in Beijing, the Chinese leadership — who by then had the boy in their hands — also decided to recognise him as the 17th Karmapa. It was the first time in the history of a Communist regime that a ‘reincarnation’ (called ‘living Buddhas’ by Beijing) was officially recognised. From the day the Karmapa arrived incognito in Dharamsala in 2000, many Indian officials have been convinced that he had been ‘planted’ by the Chinese intelligence to create some mischief in India, particularly in Sikkim. In July 2010, the Karmapa, who was scheduled to attend functions organised by the Karma Triyana Dharamchakra centre in New York, was refused permission by Indian authorities to leave the country. Earlier in 2010, the young Lama had already been denied an exit visa to impart religious teachings in nine European countries. At that time, there was a lot of speculation that the Shamar camp had exercised pressure on Delhi to cancel the visits. Dharma centres are big business in the West and Shamar is not ready to abandon the lucrative opportunity for his protege. Many speculate that he did tip off the police about the cash kept in Dharamsala. The Karmapa’s foreign followers, in their enthusiasm, did not exactly help in alleviating the suspicions of Indian agencies. A petition originating from some Dharma centres in the US, circulated in April 2010, was addressed to Congress president Sonia Gandhi. “We believe the Indian government’s actions in this situation are inequitable and unjustified. The broader issue, which we address, is one of the Karmapa’s basic human rights,” stated the petition. It spoke of a blatant abuse of his freedom for religious expression and requested the government of India to address the unlawful confinement of the Karmapa. Fortunately, the office of the Karmapa later rectified the wrong impression given by these Western disciples. Another complicating factor is the media (Indian and foreign), which often tries to project the young Lama as the Dalai Lama’s political successor. The media forgets that the present Dalai Lama has ceaselessly worked from the early 1960s to introduce democracy in the exiled community. To have a ‘political successor’ would negate all these years of hard work. Would a ‘political successor’ prevail over an elected prime minister whose election is due in March? Tibetan democracy would then become a laughing stock. During a visit to Rumtek (Sikkim) last year, I asked the caretaker of the monastery, “Why does the Karmapa have to go through all these unpleasant problems?” He philosophically answered: “Don’t worry, he will go through them, but it is a very old, very ancient karma that he has to unknot; these things take time. It can’t be solved in one day.” In the meantime, the young, extremely bright Karmapa, who is deeply devoted to environmental issues in the Himalayan region, should teach his staff proper accounting ways. Spiritual pursuit cannot absolve anybody of more worldly laws. The police on Sunday questioned the Karmapa and also arrested two more persons in connection with the seizure of foreign currency worth over Rs 7.5 crore from the offices of a trust backed by him. The Karmapa denied any Chinese links and said the charges against him were ‘grossly speculative and without foundation’. A team of state police officers put nearly 50 questions to Karmapa Ogyen Trinley Dorje at Gyuto Monastery at Sidhbari but he feigned complete ignorance about the foreign currency and other documents recovered from there. The police said they had given him the set of questions pertaining to the recovery of money and functioning of the monastery. But he completely dissociated himself with the developments and maintained that the affairs of the trust were managed by Shakti Lama and Gompu Tshering and his role was only confined to ‘preachings’ as a religious head. The team, led by Additional Superintendent of Police, Una, K G Kapoor, gave the questionnaire that was in English and he replied through an interpreter, Inspector General of Police P L Thakur told PTI. Thakur said investigations were going on and the Karmapa might be questioned again after more information and inputs were available. Karmapa denied all allegations and said the money was donated by devotees, who come from all over the world and belonged to the trust. Dharamsala-based businessman K P Bhardwaj and Manager of Ambala branch of the Corporation Bank D K Dhar were arrested on Saturday night following raids conducted at the residence and hotel of Bharadwaj and clues provided by him during questioning with regard to the money trail, the IGP said. With this, the number of people taken into custody has risen to five. Backing the Karmapa, the Dalai Lama told reporters in Bengaluru, “He (Karmapa) is an important Lama” and demanded a thorough probe into the seizure of foreign currency. Apparently explaining the huge Chinese currency haul, the Dalai Lama said, “The Karmapa has many devotees including from China.. Some money would have naturally being received by him. There has been some negligence. (It is) better now to have a thorough investigation.”

A statement by the Karmapa’s office said, “We categorically deny having any link whatsoever with any arm of the Chinese government and like to state that the allegations being levelled against the Karmapa and his administration are grossly speculative and without foundation in the truth as everyone who knows the history of our lineage and struggle is surprised by the allegations.” The replies of Karmapa were identical to the contents of the statement issued by Karma Chungyalpa, deputy general secretary and spokesperson of the Karmapa Office. Karma said, “Repressive measures including pressure put by China on Tibetan spiritual and temporal head, the Dalai Lama, were the reasons for the Karmapa’s escape from Tibet.” He further said, “Monasteries across the world accept offerings from devotees in various forms and there is nothing surprising, new or irregular in this. A representative of Dalai Lama’s office underlined this yesterday and the cash in question under the current investigation by the police is offerings received for charitable purposes from local and international disciples from many different countries wishing to support Karmapa’s various charitable activities and any suggestion that these offerings were to be used for illegal purposes is libellous.” Referring to the recovery of Chinese currency, the statement said, “About the Chinese currency, we can say that his Holiness has a large following of Tibetans who make donations in Chinese currency. The fact is that the Karmapa has millions of followers around the world, who hold him in the highest esteem and reverence. All our dealings across the world are honest and completely transparent and anything else would be contrary to the Buddhist principals that we live by.” On the two arrests, the IGP said Bhardwaj had claimed that the Rs one crore recovered from the vehicle was paid by the Karmapa’s trust for buying buy land near Dharamsala. He said Bharadwaj had told the police that the bank manager had issued an ‘authorisation letter’ that the money was meant for some land deal. The police arrested two persons — Ashutosh and Sanjay Dutt– on January 26 after the alleged recovery of Rs 1 crore. They later nabbed Shakti Lama, a key functionary of the Karmapa backed trust, who was remanded in police custody for nine days. The residence and office of monastery functionary Gompu Tshering were raided on Saturday and foreign currency in US dollars worth Rs 4 lakh was recovered. The sleuths of Intelligence Bureau, Enforcement Directorate and Income Tax Department have also joined the probe. “The police have so far not reached any conclusion about the source of the money and all documents including the computer of Karmapa are being thoroughly scanned,” Thakur said, adding that the police had never said anything about ‘Chinese links’ of the Karmapa. Karma said, “His (Karmapa’s) very escape and arrival in India exposed the Chinese misrule in Tibet and confirmed what the world believes — that the Tibetans and Tibet were under suppression and were not happy. “When he came to India, his immediate act was to rush to the Dalai Lama to seek his blessings and to offer his allegiance and loyalty to him and also give unquestioned support to his struggle for the Tibetan people,” he said. “He assured me he has never done anything in any way to undermine the interest of India, to harm the interest of India. India is his second home. He is happy here and he looks forward to India becoming a powerful and prosperous nation. And he has no intention in any way of undermining the interest of India,” the spokesman said.

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